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X22REEPORT: This Is The Tip Of The Iceberg, The Call For Election Decertification Is Getting Louder – Ep. 2615

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This Is The Tip Of The Iceberg, The Call For Election Decertification Is Getting Louder – Ep. 2615


This Is The Tip Of The Iceberg, The Call For Election Decertification Is Getting Louder

The economic crisis is hitting other countries first, they are seeing power outages and other problems. Trump says gas could go over ten dollars a gallon, inflation nation. Trump points out that [JB] wants to pay non citizens $450,000. People around the world who are experiencing inflation are starting to realize what real money is. The patriots are in control, the CDC put out a paper that says the vaccines are better than natural immunity, this was not peer reviewed and it is now debunked. The [DS] is now panicking, the call to decertify the election is growing. Fraud is being produced, prosecutions are coming down the pike and this is only the tip of the iceberg. The [DS] is continuing to silence voices. This is panic, they are afraid of those who speak the truth.



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