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Government Fraud Deep State - Shadow Gov - Ses

If this happens, America will be shut down . . .

X22REPORT: Change Of Batter Coming, Why Was She Reserved For Later, How Do You ‘Sneak One In’- Ep. 2630

X22REPORT: Ep 2630a – Trump Sends Warning, The Green New Deal Will Destroy America & Raise Taxes

X22REPORT: [DS] Evil Exposed, This Is Not About Politics, It’s About Preserving Our Way Of Life – Ep. 2629

X22REPORT: Ep 2629a – Build Back Better Is Really About Destroying America

X22REPORT: Ep 2628a – The [CB] Is Now Blaming Everything & Anything, Losing Economic Narrative

SOTN: GLOBAL PSYOP: Here’s the crux of the “COVID CON” stealthily carried out to lock down planet Earth forever

X22REPORT: Harvest Has Been Prepared & Soon Be Delivered To The Public, Discovery, Stage Is Set – Ep. 2628

X22REPORT: Who Guards The Narrative? People Must Be Made Aware, Operations Underway – Ep. 2627

X22REPORT: Ep 2627a – Economic Conspiracy No More, The [CB] Is No Longer Hiding Their Plan

X22REPORT: Snow White Offline, NG Deployment, [DS] Panicking, Devolution – Ep. 2626

X22EPORT: Ep 2626a – The [CB] Is Right On Schedule With The Economy, The People See It All

X22REPORT:Enemy @ The Front Door,House Of Cards Tumbling Down, Shadow Government – Ep. 2625

X22REPORT:Ep 2625a – The Economic Lie Is Complete, It’s All Turning On The [CB]

X22REPORT: Timing Is Everything, One Year, State Of The Union, Acting President – Ep. 2624

X22REPORT: Ep 2624a – The [CB] Just Set Everything In Motion, No Longer Hiding The Plan

X22REPORT: Let The Unsealing, Declass Begin, Let The World Witness The Truth – Ep. 2623

X22REPORT: A Year Is Almost Up, Nobody Playing The Game Gets A Free Pass, Nobody – Ep. 2622

X222REPORT: Ep 2622a – All The Pieces Are Coming Together, Buckle Up, A New World Is Approaching

X22REPORT: How Do You Catch A Fish? Military Planning, Forced Exposure, P-A-I-N – Ep. 2621