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Entire Nation Of Greece Gives Up

The Lapine

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June 3, 2013

Buffeted by economic storms and becoming a byword for financial disaster, the entire nation of Greece has officially given up on life. Driving down the deserted streets of Athens our intrepid reporters found empty streets and abandoned cars. According to a lone American tourist, Miranda, whom we found in the capital, everyone had simply gone home and given up.

“Thank god I am American, it is so depressing to be Greek nowadays, to know that your nation’s best years were like thousands of years ago, that it is all downhill from here. Everyone has just gone home to watch TV, drink, and give up on life. So can I get a ride out of here with you guys?” Is what Miranda had to say when asked about what had happened.

International reaction to the entire nation of Greece giving up has remained muted. One German tourist we found preparing for a backpacking trip into the dying country; remarked that he hoped that visiting the great ruins of Athens would be cheaper now. Then the tourist quickly clarified that he meant the very ancient ruins and temples, not the decaying modern ones. Right now, those ancient ruins, seem to be all Greece has left.