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Nigel Farage: Europe on the brink of 'wholesale, violent revolution'

J.D. Heyes

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May 13, 2013

(NaturalNews) The last time the European continent convulsed was World War II, when an evil-minded dictator with delusions of a 1,000-year empire plunged the entire globe into chaos. With rising unemployment and disenfranchisement, the crumbling euro and tens of millions of disillusioned Europeans, the continent seems poised for "wholesale, violent revolution," according to one British minister of Parliament known for his frank assessments.

In a recent speech on the floor of Parliament, Nigel Farage blamed European elites and finance ministers for destroying the Eurozone economy, and he warned yet again that the fallout from the destruction will likely spill into the streets of numerous European cities.

You won't see straight forward candidness like this from mainstream politicians, because most are terrified of speaking the truth and accepting blame," writes Mac Slavo at "They know it's coming and the fallout won't be limited to just Europe."


'Wholesale, violent revolution'

From Farage's speech, which you can view in its entirety here:

We face the prospect of mass civil unrest, possibly even revolution in some countries that have been driven to total and utter desperation. My fear, is that in the end, what will break up the euro isn't the economics of it, it will wholesale, violent - possibly even revolution - that we see in the Mediterranean. And what I hate about this, is that it is all so unnecessary.

Farage goes onto note that five of the 17 EU countries "have now been bailed out," and he predicted that the next country to receive such aid would be Slovenia (Reports May 7 said Slovenia's banks may require as much as $11 billion to be bailed out (

Farage savaged recently-elected French socialist President Francois Gerard Georges Nicolas Hollande - who has led the imposition of a 75-percent tax on France's wealthy - as well as other European leaders:

This has become a religion... the idea that we must abolish the individual nation states. They've got a new flag, they've even got an anthem. You know, they've taken part of Beethoven's 5th, and it's the anthem, and every two months in the European parliament they raise the flag and play the anthem. Do you think I stand at attention? Do I, hell!

Farage was attending a Sovereign Man Offshore Tactics Workshop in Santiago, Chile. Also attending was long-serving former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.

The British parliamentarian also issued a warning.

"If you have investments, if you have money, based with Eurozone banks, then my advice to you is get your money out of those banks and those jurisdictions as quickly as you can because next... when the next phase of this disaster comes, they will come for you," he said.

Euro banksters (the combination of bankers and gangsters), you may recall, imposed a 10 percent levy on all bank account holders in Cyprus (

We're being gamed and squeezed

The economic collapse in Europe is only a prelude to what is coming for the United States, which is heavily in debt to the tune of more than $16 trillion and is projected to continue spending a trillion dollars more a year than the country takes in for the foreseeable future, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Our banking institutions, you recall, have also been bailed out once - by we, the taxpayers. Legislation put in place to prevent the necessity for similar bailouts in the future is still inadequate, a Federal Reserve official recently said, meaning Americans could be on the hook for hundreds of billions more dollars in theft in the future.

We're being gamed, ladies and gentlemen, by a political and financial elite that is squeezing every penny they can from the lifeblood of the two most economically successful continents in the history of the planet.

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