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Fidel Castro calls NATO 'brutal' for Libya role


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(Reuters) - Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro denounced NATO on Monday for its role in the overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, saying the "brutal military alliance has become the most perfidious instrument of repression the history of humanity has known."

Castro, 85, also expressed indignation at the killing of Gaddafi last week and the subsequent treatment of his body, which he said was "kidnapped and exhibited like a trophy of war, a conduct that violates the most elemental principles of Muslim norms and other religious beliefs."

His comments were published in Cuban state-run media in one of the occasional opinion columns he has written since falling ill five years ago and handing over the presidency to younger brother Raul Castro in 2008.

The elder Castro has sharply criticized NATO's intervention in Libya from the beginning and praised Gaddafi, a Castro friend, for his resistance.

He also has attacked NATO as an instrument of his longtime ideological foe, the United States.

His comments on Monday were the first from Cuba since Gaddafi's death.

Last month, the Cuba government pulled its diplomats from the North African country and said it would not recognize the ruling National Transitional Council or any government established with the help of foreign intervention.

The article below is a Google translation from the original Spanish

The Role Of NATO Genocidal

By Fidel Castro

October 23, 2011 -- -That brutal military alliance has become the most perfidious instrument of repression that has known the history of mankind.

NATO assumed that role as soon as the global repressive USSR, which had served the United States a pretext to create it, ceased to exist. His criminal purpose was evident in Serbia, a Slavic country, whose people fought so heroically against Nazi troops in World War II.

When in March 1999 the countries of this nefarious organization in its efforts to break up Yugoslavia after the death of Josip Broz Tito, sent troops in support of the secessionist Kosovo, met strong resistance from nations whose forces experienced were intact.

Yankee management, advised by the rightist government of Jose Maria Aznar Spanish, attacked television stations in Serbia, the bridges over the Danube and Belgrade, the capital of that country. The Embassy of the Republic of China was destroyed by bombs Yankee, several officials were killed, and there could be no possible mistake as alleged perpetrators. Many patriotic Serbs were killed. President Slobodan Miloševiс, overwhelmed by the power of the aggressors and the demise of the USSR, yielded to the demands of NATO and admitted the presence of that alliance troops in Kosovo under UN mandate, which eventually led to his political defeat and subsequent prosecution of any impartial court in The Hague. Strangely died in prison. In a few days have resisted the Serbian leader, NATO would have entered a serious crisis that was about to explode. The rule thus prepared much longer to impose its hegemony among subordinates increasingly members of that organization.

Between 21 February and 27 April this year, published on the website CubaDebate new thoughts on the subject, which I discussed at length the role of NATO in Libya and what I believe would happen.

I am therefore compelled to a synthesis of the essential ideas that I presented, and the facts that have been happening as envisaged, now a central figure in this history, Muammar Al-Gaddafi, was seriously wounded by the latest NATO fighter-bombers, and inundated intercepted his vehicle, yet captured alive and killed by men armed that military organization.

His body has been kidnapped and displayed as a trophy of war, conduct that violates the most elementary principles of Islamic rules and other religious beliefs prevailing in the world. It was announced that Libya will soon declared "democratic and human rights defender."

I am forced to spend several thoughts on these important and significant facts.

Will continue Monday.

Fidel Castro Ruz - October 23, 2011

Oct. 23, 2011