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EPA river pollution cover-up to be exposed by private citizen science lab: lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury tests offered by the Health Ranger, using Agilent ICP-MS instrumentation

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Aug. 12, 2015(NaturalNews) The incompetence of big government never ceases to amaze me. The EPA -- now known as the "Environmental POLLUTION Agency" -- recently managed to spill 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into the Animas River. The actual composition of that toxic sludge is being kept a secret by the EPA, which is why I'm openly calling for anyone who has access to the river to send me a water sample so I can test it in my lab. (See below.)

The EPA, it turns out, needs to be kept honest by "citizen science." In other words, when the EPA becomes a massive polluter and tries to cover it up, it's up to science-based citizens to hold the EPA accountable by conducting honest, high-integrity private scientific testing that can't be buried by the government and the media.

The total government cover-up of all this, quite predictably, is already well under way. "Rather than express outrage as it has done in the wake of previous environmental disasters, the White House would not comment on the spill and instead directed all questions to the embattled EPA," reports the Washington Times.

The massive spill of toxic lead, arsenic and heavy metals was caused when "...[EPA] contractors accidentally breached a dam at the mine last week and sent toxic sludge flowing into the Animas River. The contaminated water has spread to New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, and EPA officials were forced to concede that more than 3 million gallons were released into the river -- a much higher amount than the agency's initial estimate of 1 million gallons," reports the Times.