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Obama Set To Issue Green Executive Order to “Save Oceans”; Lord Nick Stern Demands More Anti-Carbon Insanity (with Coment by PHB)

The Unhived Mind

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NOTE:  We are destroying the oceans through nuclear radiation.  The sun and under-sea volcanism are warming our planet for her re-birthing cycle.  Mankind has little effect on global warming. ---PHB




Obama Set To Issue Green Executive Order to “Save Oceans”; Lord Nick Stern Demands More Anti-Carbon Insanity

June 17, 2014 • 12:48PM

Today, at the second day of an “Our Ocean” conference in Washington, hosted by the State Department, Obama is scheduled to give a video-presentation on the greenie theme of how to “protect the oceans” from climate change. Secretary of State John Kerry gave the keynote yesterday, saying that he expects Obama to issue a new executive order June 17, to set up marine “protection” areas, to resist over-exploitation of the seas by mankind.

This initiative is one more along the slimy green track of national self-destruction, per the Anglo-Dutch imperial de-population agenda. The same old deadly theme is that resources are fixed; humans pollute; cut population.

Add to this, a new report forthcoming from London, by Lord Nicholas Stern—the leading operative for ‘economics of global warming’—intended to beat the drum on how climate change models to date are underestimating the terrible economic consequences of not reducing carbon emissions. In 2009, Stern was often in Washington, D.C. during the early Obama Administration; then in December, he was at the infamous Copenhagen Climate Change Summit (COP15), demanding nations shut down their economies to save the planet.

(China and other nations refused; they are now leading development initiatives for the planet and beyond, while the British are coming back at the human race with the same green fascism that failed at Copenhagen.)

This week, Stern, based at the London School of Economics, said that his own 2006 study of ill effects of greenhouse gases, was really understated. He is coming up with a new one. The message: we better kill ourselves, or we will be killed by a hot Earth.

“Models that assume that catastrophic damages are not possible fail to take account of the magnitude of the issues and the implications of the science,”

he told reporters. Stern will issue his new report in September, so that, he says, policy makers will understand, the

“immensity [of] the potential risks of unmanaged climate change.”

For example, Stern said on June 3rd, on, that Obama’s new anti-carbon “Clean Power Rule” doesn’t go far enough. Americans

“need to increase the ambition of their emissions cuts to be consistent with the overall goal of delivering a reasonable chance of avoiding dangerous global warming.”

At the “Our Oceans” event yesterday, Kerry addressed the audience of representatives of 80 nations, saying that, human activity is harming the seas. Too much C02 is acidifying the oceans. Food is in jeopardy for 3 billion people on the planet.

“Most people under-estimate the enormous damage we as people are inflicting on our oceans every single day.”

The Economist of London sponsored two prior, similar events: the first such Ocean Summit, in 2012, in Singapore; then a second Ocean Summit in February, 2014. In April, 2014, in The Netherlands, the “Outcomes of the Global Oceans Action Summit” was held.

Yesterday’s two-day event in Washington, D.C. is part of a countdown towards doom by those nations insane enough to continue on the “climate change” pretense for self-destruction. The zombie parade of events this year:

May 7, 2014, Paris, the OECD 34 member nations, plus Colombia and Latvia, endorsed a commitment statement to counter global warming.

September, 2014 in New York City, the UN Climate Summit will take place.

December, 2014, the COP20 (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) is scheduled for Lima, Peru.