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GEOS-5 - Aerosois - [aerosols whipping around the worldl]

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Dec. 13, 2012

I am endledlessly fascinted by this kind


of stuff! I hope you are too! It is what you're

breathing after all!


NASA Goddard's Global Modeling and

Assimilation Office recently ran a simulation

of the atmosphere that captured how winds

whip aerosols around the world.


This visualization covers August 2006 to April 2007,

watch as dust and sea salt swirl inside cyclones, c

arbon bursts from fires, sulfate streams from

volcanoes-and see how these aerosols paint the

modeled world...what I would REALLY like to see

is a model of the past 2 years! Still, mesmerizing!


Video (about 1 and a half mins):





- Alexandra




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Alexandra Bruce



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The Answer is Blowin' in the Wind

Published by NASAexplorer

November 20, 2012


Satellites, balloon-borne instruments and ground-based devices make 30 million observations of the atmosphere each day. Yet these measurements still give an incomplete picture of the complex interactions within Earth's atmosphere.


Enter climate models. Through mathematical experiments, modelers can move Earth forward or backward in time to create a dynamic portrait of the planet. NASA Goddard's Global Modeling and Assimilation Office recently ran a simulation of the atmosphere that captured how winds whip aerosols around the world. Such simulations allow scientists to better understand how these tiny particulates travel in the atmosphere and influence weather and climate.


In this visualization, covering August 2006 to April 2007, watch as dust and sea salt swirl inside cyclones, carbon bursts from fires, sulfate streams from volcanoes—and see how these aerosols paint the modeled world.


This video is public domain and can be freely downloaded.