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UN warns of global collapse due to pesticides; Agenda 21 is pushed as solution

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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June 14, 2012\(NaturalNews) The United Nations (U.N.) Environment Program has released a 525-page report in conjunction with its upcoming Rio+20 conference on sustainable development that warns about "sudden, irreversible and potentially catastrophic changes" that will occur in the world if drastic measures are not taken to stop them. In correctly identifying pesticides and other chemicals as one of the primary causes, however, the U.N. also tacks on the global warming myth in an attempt to push for a centralized, world government.

The Associated Press (A.P.) reports that the U.N. manifesto correctly pinpoints out of control pesticide and herbicide use as a major global problem that is polluting rivers, streams, and waterways, and contributing to ecosystem destruction. But it also highlights the typical scare scenarios often associated with global warming as well, including melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and a so-called excess of greenhouse gases.

This crafty mixture of truth and lies appears to be the U.N.'s latest attempt at garnering more support for its global governance agenda, which includes things like establishing a global internet police force (, and setting up a global taxation system for imposing things like mandatory vaccinations in developing countries ( The U.N.'s goal, in other words, is to centralize as much power for itself as it possibly can.

This is why the U.N. is constantly sounding the alarm about fantasy boogeymen like global warming, which can only be overcome if every nation of earth surrenders its sovereignty to international governing forces. Although in this latest case, the U.N. has thrown in a little bit of the truth about chemical overuse and its devastating effects across the globe.


Pesticides and herbicides destroying bees, crops, water, and soil

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) estimates that at least 70 percent of the pollution in the nation's rivers, lakes, and streams stems from industrial farming practices that involve the intensive use of chemicals ( A 2002 study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives also identified industrial agriculture as highly problematic for the amount of chemicals used (

As we have covered extensively here at NaturalNews recently, pesticides and herbicides are destroying bees, bats, and other natural crop pollinators (, and essentially killing the microbial balance of soils ( This one-two punch is having devastating consequences globally, as soils are becoming unfit to grow food, and the creatures responsible for pollinating them are becoming nonexistent.

The problem of chemicals, unlike the man-made, carbon dioxide-triggered global warming myth, is actually real. But it is now being tacked onto global warming for the sake of promoting global governance, a scam of which the natural health community needs to be aware.

U.N. Agenda 21 for 'sustainable development' a ploy for world government

Under the guise of "sustainable development" and saving the planet from destruction, the U.N. is pushing what is known as Agenda 21, a plan to collectivize private property globally, reeducate the world into a single, globalist mindset, and eventually depopulate the world. And one of the ways the U.N. is ushering in Agenda 21 is through the vehicle of global warming and environmental destruction, two issues that it says must be addressed globally.

So the situation is tricky. As a nation, the U.S. clearly needs to address the issue of chemical pesticides and herbicides that are causing monumental environmental destruction, not to mention an epidemic of health-related problems in humans. But the U.N. is currently trying to seize more power by exploiting this very real problem, and tacking it onto its power grab agenda.

You can learn more about the U.N. and Agenda 21 at:

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