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The ONE woman who refuses to leave her toxic Kansas hometown after ALL her neighbors left because it was poisoned by decades of lead mining

Daily Mail Reporter

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June 3, 2012

Treece, Kansas, is a poisoned town.

Only one house remains. Tim and Della Busby are the lone residents of the community today. And they say they're staying put.

Even if it's toxic, Treece is still their home.

Della Busby

She stands alone: Della Busby and her husband Tim are the only people left in Treece, Kansas, since the government offered buyouts to all of her neighbors.


No-man's land: Piles of chat, contaminated mining debris, stretch though Treece, Kansas, after decades of zinc and lead mining poisoned the town


This tiny community in southeast Kansas used to be a bustling mining enclave -- with a school, hundreds of homes and bars the got rowdy with drunken miners on payday.

But, the mines that turned Treece into a boomtown ultimately left it lifeless and abandoned.

It's a toxic ghost town now. All but two residents left when the federal government offered buyouts to the 138 people who stuck around after the mines shut down, the Kansas City Star reports.

The Environmental Protection Agency says decades of zinc and lead mining have left the soil, water and air contaminated.

Abandoned house

Abandoned: Only one house in the tiny community remains occupied after the federal government paid $3.5 million to relocate 136 of the 138 residents

Abandoned house

Desolate: Most of the homes were torn town after their owners moved away, but a few remain standing and vacant

Massive piles of poisoned mining debris, called chat, litter the streets.The mines that were dug beneath the town are turning the ground into Swiss cheese, as massive sink holes develop throughout the town -- many big enough and deep enough to swallow a man whole.

In 2009, the federal government began offering buy-outs for the residents of Treece after Congress approved $3.5 million to vacate the town and turn it into a Superfund site.

Treece was abandoned after nearby Picher, Oklahoma, which sits just across the state line, was bought out by the federal government and bought out for the same reason -- lead contamination left by decades of mining.

Torn-up streets

Keep out: The EPA tore up the roads and dumped course rock down in an attempt to deter people from coming into the toxic town

Bulldozed streets

Roll up the carpet: Not even the streets remained after the government bulldozed them and left rutted dirt trails in their place

Picher's buyout came first -- it was a historic event, the government giving people cash to leave the town they'd lived on their lives.

However, the EPA tried to save Treece. Only one child out of 16 in the town tested positive for having dangerously high levels of lead. 

But the damage in Treece was already done, the residents no longer believed it was safe to live there.

After Picher was abandoned, the town government in Treece also asked for a buy-out.

When it finally came, the EPA offered residents about $40,000 each for their homes. By 2010, 63 out of 64 homeowners sold out and their houses were torn down.

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