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Last Chance to Match

Nicole Whittington-Evans Alaska Regional Director, The Wilderness Society

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May 24, 2012

Time is running out. As early as July, Shell could begin drilling in the Beaufort Sea, about 14 miles from the delicate and wildlife-abundant coastline of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
But we’re not giving up. With your help, we can protect our most beloved wild places. Until May 31, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar, up to a total of $28,000.

Did you know there are 450 oil and toxic chemical spills in Alaska every year?  It’s a messy business, and some places are simply too precious to lose.

Please donate today.

I drive a car. Chances are you do as well.

We need oil to power our country. However, there needs to be a balance, because we need wilderness too.

There is nothing balanced about Shell Oil’s misguided plan to drill in the Arctic Ocean. It’s the wrong place, the wrong time, and the risks of calamity are enormous.

Donate today and generous Wilderness Society supporters will match your donation dollar for dollar, up to a total of $28,000.

We are pressing the Obama Administration to halt this plan that not only puts critical coastline at risk, but jeopardizes Native people’s means of survival.

Monumental Risk

The risks of this scheme are tremendous. The stakes for wildlife and people in one of America’s most pristine wild places couldn’t be higher.

The consequences of a major spill or blowout could be catastrophic. Contrary to what many believe, spills are a common occurrence. There are roughly 450 oil and other toxic spills in Alaska every year.

Violent storms in this remote area are commonplace and cleaning up a blowout or major pipeline spill in these extreme conditions could be virtually impossible. In fact, the last simulated clean-up exercise in the Arctic took place in 2000 — and was a dismal failure!

Dollar for Dollar Match In Effect


Generous supporters Diane Parish, Carl and Jan Siechert, and Hirschler Manufacturing have teamed up to match your gift dollar for dollar, up to a total of $28,000. With your help, that means $56,000 to help protect wilderness.

Please donate today.

We Need Your Help

Your donation to The Wilderness Society will help us keep up the pressure in Washington and on the ground. And Shell’s drilling plan is not the only battle we must fight this year. It’s open season on open spaces in Congress; bills have been introduced to open vast swaths of our most pristine wild lands to drilling, mining and industry.

Time is running out for efforts to keep Shell out of Arctic waters. Your help is greatly appreciated. Please donate today.


Nicole Whittington-Evans

Alaska Regional Director, The Wilderness Society