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What The Frack?

Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

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First the Illuminati and their minions poison our air, land, and water with chemtrails, and now 'they' are poisoning our ground water and creating earthquakes.  When is enough, enough?
The current lies being promoted by TV commercials, attempt to refute the negative issues connected to fracking by deceitfully glossing over . . . the contamination of our ground water, while completely ignoring the earthquake issue. 

You should be aware that the fracking in the New Madrid Fault zone, generated thousands of earthquakes on an annual basis, far exceeding the previous annual earthquake history. 
Oil and Gas Collection: Hydraulic Fracturing, Toxic Chemicals and the Surge of Earthquake Activity in Arkansas:  Fracking the life out of Arkansas and beyond

Fracking Hell:  The Untold Story  (17:53)
"This video is an original investigative report by Earth Focus and UK's Ecologist Film Unit looks at the risks of natural gas development in the Marcellus Shale deposits. It covers the introduction of toxic chemicals that end up in the drinking water, the unregulated interstate dumping of radioactive waste and that the wells leak radioactive radium.  
For an overview on water contamination watch:  Gasland  (23:45)


60 Minutes Video Piece on Dangers of Natural Gas Fracking  (13:16)
This video reveals that a "Halliburton loophole: [in a] 2005 energy bill completely exempted natural gas industry and gas fracking from any regulation under the Safe Water Act"  That fact is PROOF, like the vaccine exemptions given, that the Illuminati knows full well that what they are doing is extremely harmful.
If that ONE 'loophole' was eliminated . . . the OVERWHELMING revelations would KILL ALL FUTURE FRACKING!

Recently NY lifted its fracking moratorium and is now working to permit fracking, while Canada has recently invoked a fracking moratorium to investigate whether or not fracking causes earthquakes. 
Alert:  All New Yorkers:  Fracking Moratorium Expires on June 29, 2011 . . . Say "No" in New York

In New York state . . . the Illuminati and their minions are ramping up their push to expand the fracking of the Marcellus Shale
 Map of Marcellus Shale Formation

Here's a video that demonstrates how they 'sell' the fracking to the public by stating that they only pump 'water' into the ground, CAREFULLY lying by omission, the FACT that HALF the millions of gallons of 'water' they pump into the ground, ALSO contains an extremely poisonous cocktail of chemicals: (21.46) 
This video will make to sick to your soul when you understand how they exploit the landowner by promoting how many millionaires will be made when the 'locals' turn their land over to the oil companies for fracking.
Do NOTE the backdrop in the video, which contains chemtrails for subliminal propaganda purposes.

Fracking Could Bring Billions To New York, Also Burning Water
September 7, 2011


A hydrofracking operation in West Virginia (Chesapeake Energy).

"Andrew Cuomo has made it clear he wants to bring hydraulic fracturing, or hydro fracking (in which natural gas is extracted from the Marcellus Shale formation, often leaving nearby water flammable), to our state and today the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation went and released a revised draft report on the prospect. Which means we've all now got a 90-day public comment period (30 days more than usual) before this thing moves forward, so be prepared to hear a frack load more about fracking in the next three months!"


"As far as the DEC is concerned fracking, which is nonexplosive, is a safe and healthy way to get natural gas out of the ground. The DEC's report estimates that fracking could bring nearly 25,000 jobs and $1.7 billion in earnings to the state (not to

mention another 29,174 full time jobs and $809.2 million in wages in industries that support gas drilling), which in an economy like ours (with gas prices as high as they are) is hard to scoff at. In fact, the good news in for some upstate communities could be so good that the State is considering "construction windows" to make sure that no neighborhoods are too quickly [built] by the influx of fracking. But at the same time, it doesn't deal with a whole lot of other issues."

"Sure, the report gets into lots of details about fracking regulations (here's a PDF of the relevant bits) but, as the National Resources Defense Council notes, it also doesn't even try touching some hot issues, including the effect of fracking in floodplains and the very limited protection the draft offers for the New York City and Syracuse watersheds. In the NRDC's words, "the draft study provides very limited protection, if any, to the critical aqueducts and tunnels that carry water from our reservoirs. From a public health and emergency preparedness standpoint, allowing risky drilling activities to occur near aging and vulnerable water supply infrastructure is an unreasonable risk."

"This is a big report with lots to process, so it is going to take a while for people to comb through it and see what tricks the gas industry (which is very eager to get fracking in the Empire State) has gotten in there. At least for the appearance of democracy, before anything becomes official the DEC will be holding a number of public hearings on the subject in November, including one in New York City. The dates and locations of those will be released in early October, a rep for the DEC says."

"Contact the author of the above article or email with further questions, comments or tips."

Etc., etc., etc. . .
'Fracking' Pollution in Water:  Pennsylvania Allows Natural Gas Drilling Waste Disposal in Waterways 
The liquid that gushes from gas wells is only partially treated for substances that could be environmentally harmful, then dumped into rivers and streams from which communities get their drinking water.
Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh's drinking water is radioactive, thanks to fracking.  Only question is, how much?
"In every glass of water, residents of Pittsburgh (and potentially tens of millions of others in the Northeast corridor) are consuming unknown and potentially dangerous amounts of radium."
Regulation Lax as Gas Wells' Tainted Water Hits Rivers

"While the existence of the toxic wastes has been reported, thousands of internal documents obtained by The New York Times from the Environmental Protection Agency, state regulators and drillers show that the dangers to the environment and health are greater than previously understood."

"The documents reveal that the wastewater, which is sometimes hauled to sewage plants not designed to treat it and then discharged into rivers that supply drinking water, contains radioactivity at levels higher than previously known, and far higher than the level that federal regulators say is safe for these treatment plants to handle."


Natural Gas Drilling
Toxic Contamination From Natural Gas Wells
The above shows an interactive map of the types and areas that are contaminated in Pennsylvania.
Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said
"When methane began bubbling out of kitchen taps near a gas drilling site in Pennsylvania last winter, a state regulator described the problem as "an anomaly." But at the time he made that statement to ProPublica, that same official was investigating a similar case affecting more than a dozen homes near gas wells halfway across the state."
"In fact, methane related to the natural gas industry has contaminated water wells in at least seven Pennsylvania counties since 2004 and is common enough that the state hired a full-time inspector dedicated to the issue in 2006. In one case, methane was detected in water sampled over 15 square miles. In another, a methane leak led to an explosion that killed a couple and their 17-month-old grandson."
Did the Gas Industry Censor the Wall Street Journal?
"When the article was published on Friday night, it was the first time an industry spokesperson deployed a shift in strategy from the industry's standard denials and repeated assertions that fracking is safe, despite the numerous report of problems, such as flammable water, contamination of drinking water, trucks leaking toxic and radioactive waste-water on public highways, the pollution of streams, as well as fires, and explosions in which people have been injured."
"We have to stop blaming documentaries and take a look in the mirror," Matt Pitzarella, a spokesman for gas producer Range Resources Corp., was quoted as saying in WSJ."
"However, if you go to the article, you won't find Pitzarella's statement because within the hour the quote disappeared, say citizen journalists, who screen captured it and posted it on Twitter."
"Why did this key quote disappear from the article?"   Note:  Because that is how 'they' control what you see and hear.

Go here for more fracking info:
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.


Researcher, Author and Founder