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Gulf Residents Test Positive For Oil In Blood

Shepard Ambellas

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Smith, who is on scene in Louisiana had this to say:

“It’s deadly because it’s accumulative…. the issue here is that these are residents these aren’t even the workers… everyone is getting sick….. it has turned into an aerosol in the air, and no one is talking about this, no one.”

The testing did come back with unusually high amounts of toxins in the subjects bloodstreams indicating that the government and the EPA have been lying to the general public about the health effects and the air quality in the region. A fact that we pointed out over two months ago.

Another major fact to consider is that gulf residents who have not had testing done to document their illness, symptoms, and or accumulative toxicity levels, will be short changed when it comes to future claims against BP.

There have been rumors that the massive oil plumes in the gulf have been gobbled up by bacteria in the recent weeks, however this  is absolutely not the case. Project Gulf Impact has documented massive plumes of oil in and around the gulf coast area.

Blood tests show oil in gulf coast residents bloodstream

” We are seeing massive plumes, and more oil than ever”

If anything these massive plumes have been pushed under the surface from the over use of dispersant.

D.O.D. Sprayer Operation

Other strange events include the fact that the Dept. of Defense and or BP are still spraying the toxic dispersant Corexit throughout the region. And if that is not strange enough, they are using unmarked aircraft to do it.

To top it off, a vast area of the gulf have been deemed a no-fly zone. Many journalists and reporters have been threatened, fined, or detained trying to cover what is really going on inside this military operation. There is no doubt that the Gulf of Mexico has become a militarized zone over the past three months, indicating that there is something of importance still taking place in the gulf that we are currently unaware of.

Request For Help:

We are currently calling for whistleblowers to come forward with any prudent intel that the American people need to be informed of regarding this event. You can remain secret if you like. Please submit any information or tips to our email:


Sept. 5, 2010