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A still from the animation showing the projected oil trajectory after 130 days.

It is now almost 90 days since the Gulf oil catastrophe and the Gulf is already in its death throes as the black wave moves toward the Florida Keys with the East Coast soon to follow: Allen L Roland

We've seen this black wave before ~ except it was the Exxon Valdez disaster. The time March 24,1989 and the scene was Prince William Sound, Alaska. A spill that effected the whole Gulf of Alaska, a clean up that lasted three years with over 6500 workers filing upper respiratory medical claims. In 1994, it went to a class action trial and Exxon stonewalled it to the end.

Watch this extremely well done five minute documentary on that event closely and realize that after 20 years ~ we are seeing a re-run except the culprit this time is British Petroleum.

Keep in mind that upwards of 50% of the oil and gas from the Gulf serves to fuel the US and UK war-making machines. As the concerned citizens of Florida rightfully point out ~ " Perhaps the human race will now wake up to the fact that there is a conscious being under their feet. That there are many other living beings who have a right to exactly what human beings have a right to. We hope and pray that the American consciousness expands into an awareness of otherness and respect for all life, especially the human life in other nations that are seemingly foreign to them. The future will not allow anything less if humanity hopes to survive."

A detailed computer modeling study recently released indicates that oil from the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico might soon extend along thousands of miles of the Atlantic coast and open ocean as early as this summer. The modeling results are captured in a series of dramatic animations produced by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and collaborators. The full article can be read at ~

Meanwhile, here are pictures and a must see nine minute Video that BP and the Obama administration do not want you to see ~ for it pictures the Gulf in its death Throes.

Click to view

Here's Dahr Jamail and Erika Blumenfeld, reporting yesterday from the Gulf for Truthout: "My eyes are burning as I type this. We've just returned from spending the day down in Barataria, located about an hour's drive south of New Orleans. The community of fishermen is swimming in oil. Within minutes of arriving, our eyes begin to burn and we begin to feel dizzy from airborne chemicals from the oil and dispersant."

Like 9/11 ~ this crime of treasonous or willful negligence is so horrendous that the truth is still being withheld despite the fact that this catastrophe is still accelerating and moving north toward the East Coast.