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ot the power that be realize it, this will trade one disaster for another.

All man-made dispersants are toxic to biological life. Dispersants will not only not fix the problem, they will make matters worse. The oil companies do not want the oil to reach the beaches for fear of a backlash from the American people which could result in a ban of all off-shore drilling off the North American continent. Its already beginning to occur in California as Governor "Arnold" and others have come out against future off-shore drilling. BP is spraying hundreds of tons of chemicals (Corexit 9527) on the oil slick in order to make their problem vanish. Not only will marine life be certainly affected by both the microscopic droplets of oil and toxic chemicals which drop to the sea floor, this pollution will work its way through the food chain, right up to man. This will, of course, cause a new round of illness and death of all life-forms that have come in contact with this newly created, man-caused pollution. And what happens to the sea floor? That portion of the sea will become a dead sea in the foreseeable future as no marine life will be able to survive in a mat of oil and toxic chemicals. Nor will it remain in one isolated place as tidal and current energy displaces it.

So, what is the alternative to polluting the sea floor and marine life with oil and dangerous chemicals? Vacuum the oil slick directly off the surface of the water into oil barges, separate the water from the oil at the refineries and use the oil as originally intended. After vacuuming is completed, burn off the remaining oil residue left on top of the water, if possible, and use air filtering devices (scrubbers) to separate the smoke pollution from the air. Sturdy membrane barriers could be erected parallel to the coastlines, far enough away from tidal action and held up by buoys, to prevent the oil slick from reaching the coast. The technogy exists to do this however, it will take a united effort of the American people in demanding this for it to come about.

This oil spill was reportedly caused by drilling into a large pocket of methane gas, which exploded, damaged the pipe line more than a mile below the sea floor and created an unobstructed blow hole. All efforts to plug this hole has failed thus far. This scenario could occur again and again on other drilling rigs. So, what is the real solution to this problem? The government must release its "secret" Photon energy technology and usher in an era of Photon energy society replacing our present "fossil" fuel era, thus illuminating the major need for oil on the planet. Then, it should ban all off-shore drilling throughout the world, forever. Note: Petroleum is not a fossil fuel; it is not the decayed remains of the dinosaurs. Petroleum is manufactured by and is the life-blood of Mother Earth, making up her circulatory system, just as man's blood makes up his circulatory system. Therefore, is man not acting as a vampire by extracting the life-blood of our precious planet? Think about it.

What secret Photon energy technology? The technology that is used today by the United States "secret" or "shadow government" (the government they don't want you to know about). Its not so secret anymore, however. They have been working on this technology in earnest since the 1960's and perfected it in the 1980's. Why do you think all the NASA shuttles are being retired? Because they don't need them anymore for space travel. They have a far superior form of thrust energy. Rocket fuel has become obsolete. They are draining Photons (invisible light particles similar to x-ray particles) from the Earth's atmosphere and converting into a very efficient and powerful form of energy. Light energy. With this form of energy, they can easily escape Earth's atmosphere and approach the speed of light in outer space. In inner space (Earth's atmosphere) these ships make no sound except for the air rushing around their outer skin. These ships are mostly in use during the cover of darkness and/or cloud cover to prevent the public from knowing of their existence. However, approximately fifty percent of Americans know the truth of their existence. The truth has been known since the introduction of the Phoenix Journals in 1987 and confirmed by a few brave individuals who have come forth from the scientific and astrological communities. The Photon thrust system glows pure white at the rear of the vehicle and is most visible on a clear night. Their ships are installed with red, green and/or white identification lights on the craft's exterior. Photon or Light energy is our future.

Reference: Less Toxic Dispersants Lose Out in BP Oil Spill Cleanup by By Paul Quinlan of Greenwire. Published: May 13, 2010; correction appended May 14, 2010.