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Taking Steps

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New President takes steps:

In a recent newsletter, The National Resource Defense Council (NRDC), whose goal it is to safeguard the earth, its people, plants, animals, and ecosystems, points out that in his first week President Obama has begun moving boldly to protect the environment and diminish global warming. This week he set in motion legislation to reduce global warming by 30% between now and 2016.

A Good Step:

This is a wonderful first step that will help all of us and shows the new President's interest in energy and environmental issues. Our government will likely continue on the path of energy reform; yet to heal our planet, all of us on earth will need to become involved at a personal level and individually take many more steps.

A Bigger Step:

Cleaner cars with better mileage will help—but what if we could begin running all of our vehicles using motors that consume NO fossil fuels and produce NO pollution? What if we could begin doing it this year?

Think how much faster our land, air and water could recover if we took such a BIG step now instead of years from now! Imagine how you would feel driving your vehicle of choice, large or small, with no worry about gas prices or guilt about pollution levels. The beginnings of such a future could happen this year with your help.

The Biggest Step:

At TOP we are committed to finding, proving, and delivering such a motor technology to the world as soon as possible, and quite possibly this year. You can help us accomplish this very big next step by donating and by spreading the word to your friends about our efforts.

Please give what you can today - the time is NOW.

The Orion Project | PO Box 4347 | Charlottesville | VA | 22905