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Jim Babka

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Most mass transit systems cause more greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile than the average automobile. For example, the Washington Metro produces almost 20 percent more CO2 per passenger mile than the average car. The cost of cutting a ton of emissions through more fuel-efficient cars is near zero. The cost of doing so through rail transit is nearly $5,000 per ton.

-- Courtesy of Randal O'Toole at the Cato Institute

Subject: May Achievements

In May . . .

* recruited 625 new DC Downsizers which brings us to 4,110 new recruits for the year -- 992 ahead of last year's pace

* YOU sent 47,580 messages to Congress, bringing us to 230,298 messages for the year -- 83,556 ahead of last year's pace

* We distributed 342,878 copies of the Downsizer Dispatch, bringing us to 2,116,793 for the year -- 71,355 ahead of last year's pace

This is a lot of Education, Recruitment, and Action, achieved at a very low cost, both in time and money. In addition . . .

There are now 23,105 subscribers to the Downsizer-Dispatch, up 4,425 over the same time last year. Your intensity has also grown. Last year subscribers to the Dispatch sent an average of 1.79 messages to Congress each month. This year that average has grown to 2.05.

We've made excellent progress on our fundraising goals. But we're still $1,985 short of meeting our budget for May. May is over tomorrow. However, since this is a weekend, we'll extend May fundraising through midnight Sunday, so that we have a better chance of reaching our goal. 

We have no one else to ask but you. Please donate what you can.

We value your intensity. We appreciate your confidence in us. Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC army.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

P.S. My hour-long, Friday appearance on Straight Talk with Jerry Hughes begins at 3:05 PM Eastern time (2:05 PM Central, 1:05 PM Mountain, 12:05 PM Pacific). To listen online go to

We'll be talking about so-called FISA modernization and Scott McClellan. And each week, some topic or line of questioning comes up that's really surprising to me. If you want to hear me get caught off-guard, then tune-in! You're also welcome to call-in and participate.

The toll-free call-in number: 1-866-222-2368

Or use email: Jerry at AccentRadio dot com

* As always, regarding media appearances, schedule changes or cancellations can happen without warning.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

is the official email list of, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation

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