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Mt. Shasta Important Local Environmental Concerns

Rose Taylor

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Chemical Trails are impacting all of North America creating atmospheric contamination (not to mention the entire world scene) soooooooo000 it is imperative that each get involved in your own regions to make a 'loud sound' on this serious issue and PUT AN END TO IT!  We have a right to clean air! Countless numbers have contracted respiratory and nerve diseases and death because of chemical trails composition.  It is both a serious health and political issue.

SUPPORT CLEAN AIR.....NO DARK GAMES!    *"A few cannot fight this battle while the many sit silent on the sidelines...Though there are countless legitimate concerns and challenges coming at us, how could any be more urgent or dire than being forced to inhale toxic metals and what else we don't yet know?**"

** *
~ Shasta County Resident, [Redding, CA area] Dane Wigington

May 30, 2008
Hi All:

Since this environmental issue is seriously affecting the health of all who live in the Mt. Shasta region, I felt it was of the utmost importance that you educate yourselves regarding this issue and act upon it immediately. *


1) Please call the Shasta County Air Pollution Control Board [and Air Pollution Control Boards in your region] and tell them that you are *_very_* concerned about this issue and you support

their promise to investigate.

*1450 Court Street, Suite 308D

Redding, CA 96001

530- 225-5557 or 225-5674*

2) Please call the Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control Board [or contact the County Air Pollution Control Board in which you live] and ask them to investigate the evidence presented at the  Shasta County Air Pollution Control Board Meeting on April 15, 2008. Ask the board to  start its own investigation and perform the necessary test to see if  Siskiyou County has similar contamination readings of aluminum, barium and strontium, that it's sister county has been shown to have.

*Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control number is (530) 841-4029*

3) Please attend the local viewing of the Carnicom chemtrail documentary  and the community group discussion that will follow. (Place, date and  time will be announced ASAP)

4) *Please support local citizens efforts to bring this critical issue  to the attention of the Mt. Shasta City Council.* [or the City Council in which you live] Show up on Monday,  June 9th for the city council meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Mt. Shasta  Community Center Building located at Ivy and Alder Streets.



A group of Siskiyou and Shasta County residents have become actively  concerned of the high levels of heavy metals *(aluminum, barium and  strontium)* found in recent soil, water and dust samples in Shasta  County. *41 lab tests results have shown extremely high levels of these  toxic metals.* Recently residents from both counties approached the  Shasta County Air Pollution Control Board asking them to perform their  own tests and investigate why Shasta County residents are finding high  levels of these metals in their soils, surface water, snow melt and dust  samples.

Many residents in Siskiyou County also feel they are also unfortunately being exposed to these heavy metals via the atmosphere. Plans are in the works to test surface water here in Siskiyou County to see if similar heavy metal readings are found as in the samples collected in Shasta County.

Below are two important messages, I hope you all take to heart. The first is from Shasta County resident, Dane Wigington. The second comes from Dr. Gwen Scott, former CNN reporter, now naturopathic doctor treating people for heavy metal poisoning. Dr. Scott is also a leading proponent to halt this geo-engineering spray program of our skies.

Dane Wigington's message:

*"A few cannot fight this battle while the many sit silent on the  sidelines...Though there are countless legitimate concerns and  challenges coming at us, how could any be more urgent or dire than being  forced to inhale toxic metals and what else we don't yet know?* The  rainfall tests from this spring had toxic metal contents up to 70 times  higher than the tests last year which were already alarming as hell. In  illegal program is rapidly destroying the upper layers of the atmosphere

and thus subjecting all to very harmful levels of UV radiation in  addition to aerosol toxins. Numerous tests confirm these conclusions...  *Unless many more take up this cause, as it so legitimately deserves,  there is little more that the rest of us can do."


Dr. Gwen Scott's message:

*"We can't just keep on ignoring it. It is not going to go away, it is  just not going to go away. Unless people of consciousness and  conscience decide to get up off the couch and do something. They can  decide what that something is. Because if they don't, as they watch the  people around them and see the deterioration, they are going to have to  wonder at some point, why didn't I do something, when I still could."*


For further education on this issue, please read articles below.* This  will only stop when large numbers of Americans speak up about this very  important issue.

1) An article I wrote concerning efforts to bring this contamination of  our skies to the attention of the proper local authorities in Shasta  County. We hope to do the same here in Siskiyou County. (Please see  attachment.)

2) An article written by Shasta County resident, Dane Wigington about  the *heavy metal contamination he found on his property outside of  Redding*. See: _

3) Basic fact sheet explaining U.S, Patent #5,003,186, Stratospheric  Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming and some of the health  effects from seeding the skies with aluminum and other heavy metals.  (Please see attachment.)

4) *Article published in the Las Vegas Tribune,* August 19, 2005,  titled, *_Chemtrails Are Over Las Vegas_.* Excerpt from article:  "Especially disturbing for residents of heavily chemtrailed communities  like Las Vegas is a "chemtrail sickness" associated with heavy spray  days leaving many stricken people complaining of the "flu" and acute  allergic reactions months after the flu season has ended." See:  _

5) *Article published in Time Magazine* on March 12, 2008, promoting the

idea of geoengineering our skies, as a way to combat global warming.



Rose Taylor

Mt. Shasta, CA