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Cornerstone Rescue Mission [Rpaid City SD] opens doors for everyone during the cold

Tessa Thomas

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Delc. 15, 2015

The snow and cold can be hard on just about everyone, but it's especially hard on those without a home.

140, that's how many people are currently staying at the Cornerstone Rescue Mission, the highest number staff says they've ever seen.

Bond says, "58 beds on the mission side and we have 42 beds on the veterans side and so that obviously doesn't equal 140 and so we just have to make things happen and so people sleep on the floor this evening is what will happen."

The mission's associate director, Joshua Bond, says although they're above capacity, they don't want anyone sleeping outside in the cold.

Bond says, "Inviting, that's really what we want to be here, this is a place of love and so when people are cold, we don't really ask a whole lot of questions and so just about anybody, well I can just be honest with you, anybody that comes in here tonight and needs a place to stay, will have a place to stay here."

And not only will they have a place to stay, but a place to eat.

Bond says, "Anybody is allowed to eat here, we don't ask any questions on that. Three meals a day we serve here open to the community."

And speaking of community, Bond says the community of Rapid City is also very helpful when people are in need.

Bond says, "I think it's one of the things that Rapid really does well, is this, especially when it starts to get cold, people in our community start to open their doors as well, so I think some family members will be a little bit more open during this time, but I think that spirit of love is maybe shared a little bit with everybody."