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Liz McDowell - SumOfUs

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Sept. 4, 2015

This is a different sort of email than we’d usually send to you, but the world is in a different sort of place to where it was just a few days ago.

Like millions of people around the world, the SumOfUs team have been deeply moved by the crisis unfolding around Europe and in the Middle East. And so we’re asking you to help.

The images of a three year old Syrian refugee, his mother, and his five year old brother washed up on a Turkish beach have echoed around the world. They all died to escape violence and in the search for a better life.

Those images of Alan Kurdi and his brother Ghalib are deeply upsetting, but have reminded the world of the reality: human beings, including children, are literally dying to escape war and suffering.

Usually, we only campaign around abuses of corporate power, but we live in an interconnected world. The arms companies selling weapons to the Middle East and Africa, institutionalised racism that plays out in some of our largest media outlets, and the actions of many of our governments all play a part in this crisis.

Governments around the world are failing to act and so it’s up to us as ordinary citizens and as human beings to step in. That’s why we’re encouraging you now to do what you can to help out.

Here are three ways you can act now:

Make a financial donation

Save the Children: distributing essential items such as nappies/diapers, hygiene kits and food

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International: providing emergency health services and clean drinking water

Migrant Offshore Aid Station: dedicated to preventing migrant deaths at sea

International Rescue Committee: improving living conditions by setting up camps

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR): providing water, mosquito nets, tents, healthcare


Volunteer, donate, collect

Doctors of the World: providing care to vulnerable people, advocating for rights to health

White Helmets: volunteer recue workers who risk their lives to save families and children fleeing the violence lobbying local councils, providing language support, housing refugees (UK)

Migrant Offshore Aid Station: dedicated to preventing loss of life at sea

Sawa for development and aid: working with Syrian refugees in Lebanon

An Amazon wish list has been set up for people to buy specific items such as shoes and sleeping bags to be delivered to Calais as part of the appeal #KentforCalais and #HelpCalais. The truck leaves on 17 September


Attend an event

European Day of Action for Refugees

UK – Glasgow Sees Syria

UK – Edinburgh Sees Syria

UK – London - National Day of Action

Canada – several locations – Refugees welcome (Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, St Johns, Toronto, Victoria, Vancouver)

United States – Seattle

Australia – several locations – Light the Dark (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide)

This list isn't exhaustive -- there are many more worthy organisations and events that can use support right now. Please be as generous as you can.

We've also placed all of this information on this webpage here, where you can link your family and friends. 

Make no mistake -- corporations operating for profit are complicit in this crisis, and we'll keep fighting them. But right now, these are some of the best ways you can show your support.

Thank you for all that you do,

The whole team at SumOfUs