Tears from our brave soldiers over . . .
Mat Staver
“I need your help!!” one wrote to us. “I don’t want to go against my religious beliefs. I have been placed on administrative leave … I don’t want to lose my job of 31 years.”
Every day we hear from an overwhelming number of people who are at their wit’s end. They can’t eat or sleep. They’re weeping because of the stress and pressure of the forced COVID shots.
Some face the end of a career they spent decades building; others have children to feed and can’t see another way to provide for them. Others are on the brink of retirement; they suddenly face poverty as their savings are held hostage by their employer. If they are in the military, they are facing jail and dishonorable discharge.
“Please help,” another wrote, “represent me, guide me and counsel me. There are many of us at our company that do not want it.”
The sheer desperation has driven some to commit suicide. Others have caved under the pressure, and some were either severely injured or even died from the shots. Every day this is life and death for the people asking for our help. The ongoing intensity is hard to communicate.
Our staff is stretched, and our budget is expanding to try to meet as many critical needs as we can. When you partner with us, you make it possible for us to help tens of thousands of people. Give today to help these men and women at their wit’s end and DOUBLE your impact through a generous extension of our Challenge Grant! — Mat
Liberty Counsel Action is providing organizational assistance and critical support on the massive lawsuit against Joe Biden on behalf of our military, federal employees and federal civilian contractors.
One of my clients helped launch an “emergency use authorization” (EUA) effort in the military before COVID. This Navy senior chief petty officer underwent special certification training to be involved and shared what the EUA used to mean for service members:
Pre-COVID, he “was required to conduct an hour-long brief to all eligible personnel of the risks, benefits and right to refusal of the EUA product. The program placed heavy emphasis on the impropriety of coercive tactics to obtain ‘consent.’ Impeccable documentation was required, all personnel had to be afforded consent, all consents had to be legible, contain addresses, contain witnessed signatures, with formatting and dates matching. Audits were regularly conducted so any improper documentation that failed to meet this stringent standard was returned and required to be immediately resubmitted.”
Now, all available COVID shots are under this exact same EUA. Even the FDA, the NIH and my own team’s research show that no FDA-approved shot is currently available. However, those we represent in this lawsuit are being illegally forced to take the shot.
Members of the military are being told to fall out of line and are illegally given an order to get the shots. Anyone daring to ask for a religious exemption is being threatened with military discipline!
The shots are neither safe nor effective. A recent study of 600,000+ people showed that Johnson & Johnson’s “protection against infection had declined to: 3%.”
We are offering hope to these military heroes and to millions more who desperately need our help. When you give to our ministry, you empower us to help others. They fight for us. We will fight for them. Support our effort today with your gift that will effectively be doubled through our extended Challenge Grant.
Actually, there is a massive tangle of litigation happening right now. Just to provide a benchmark, a normal court case can take many years to get to the U.S. Supreme Court. Liberty Counsel Action is providing critical research on cases in Maine, New York and Illinois that are all defending health care workers. The workload is crushing. This is why our support on these crucial cases is so vital!
Time is quickly running out. The deadlines are somewhat deceptive. When these mandates say the person has to be fully “vaccinated” by a certain date, it means the last shot must have been received at least two weeks prior to the deadline.
The window to STOP THE MANDATES is quickly closing. We are overwhelmed with the volume and the intense emotions of the tens of thousands of people who reach out to us. HELP US HELP THESE DESPERATE PEOPLE. DOUBLE your gift with our extended Challenge Grant. Help STOP THE MANDATES.
There are strict rules on all “gene therapy.” This includes the Pfizer and Moderna COVID jabs. Anyone who undergoes gene therapy must be placed on a “15-year regulatory cycle with annual visits for safety evaluation by the research sponsors,” as cited in our lawsuit. But no known follow-ups are currently scheduled.
Forced injections of an EUA shot that includes gene therapy with no follow-up evaluations violate the law. And these are just some of many violations we are seeing.
The lawsuit on which Liberty Counsel Action is providing assistance is taking these illegal behaviors to court and demanding that religious exemptions be respected!
We have had many successes. One of the many thank-you notes we’ve received said, “I was just notified that my religious exemption has been APPROVED!!! Huge thank you for all of your help!!!!”
Your support is what makes the difference between the pleas for help and the thank-you letters of success. Your monthly recurring donation or a one-time gift to our organization today directly helps and gives hope to those fighting these shot mandates. Now you can double the impact of your gift through our extended Challenge Grant.
Thank YOU for being a part of our team!
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Cohn, B. A. et al. 2021. Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections in 620,000U.S. Veterans, February 1, 2021 to August 13, 2021. MedRxiv Preprint. October 14, 2021. Medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.13.21264966v1.full.pdf
Liberty Counsel. 2021. Navy Seal 1 et al v. Biden et al. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT of FLORIDA.” October 15, 2021. Lc.org/PDFs/Attachments2PRsLAs/101521BidenDODEmergencyMotionforTROandPIwithMemo.pdf.
PROTEST FOR FREEDOM! 2021. Walk Out Wednesday: 12 noon your time zone.
“Resources & Research.” Liberty Counsel Action, 2021. LCAction.org/vaccine.
“Vaccine - Liberty Counsel Action.” 2021. Lcaction.org. Accessed October 18, 2021. Lcaction.org/vaccine.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
Liberty Counsel Action
PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854