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Popocatepetl volcano erupts strongly sending ash plume 5 kilometers in the air

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Nov.25, 2016

The Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico is entering an new phase of enhanced activity.

After several explosions at night, the volcano had a strong eruption ejecting ash and gas 5 km above the crater.

324 exhalations of low intensity have been recorded within the last 24 hours at Popocatepetl volcano. The most important occurred on November 24, 2016 at 11:05am.

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Strong eruption at Popocatepetl volcano on November 25, 2016. Photo by Toño Lorenzini via Facebook

At night, seven explosions happened at 00:14, 00:51, 01:37, 01:43, 03:16, 06:22 and 08:07 am, which increased the intensity of the incandescence and generated plumes less than 1 km in height.

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The plume of ash and gas rose 5 km above the summit of Popocatepetl. Photo by Toño Lorenzini via Facebook

Today, November 25, 2016, at 09:45 pm an explosion generated an eruptive column that reached 5 km above the crater.

Ashfall is expected in the southeast and northeast areas of the volcano (Atlixco, Cholula, Tochimilco, San Nicolas de los Ranchos, Tianguismanalco , Ocoyucan and Puebla).

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Enhanced volcanic activity at Popocatepetl volcano on November 25 2016

At the time of this report continuous emission of volcanic gases and ash are observed ranging an average height of 2 km above the crater.