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DUTCHSINHCE:10/20/2016 — Japan struck as the earthquake forecast called for — Asia unrest taking place now


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Oct. 20, 2016

Japan has been struck by noteworthy earthquake activity AS EXPECTED.  They had a full 24 hour warning for this movement to occur.



As the earthquake forecast called for, now central Japan has been struck by the largest earthquake of the day.

See the full update on the activity which struck here:



Japan was warned a full 24 hours prior to the earthquake occurring. After many days with little to no larger activity, now we see the coast of Japan has been struck by a M5.4 earthquake as expected.

Additionally, the mid-atlantic ridge was struck as expected, a swarm broke out in Italy, and multiple earthquakes struck across Asia.

See the warning which was issued for Japan, the mid-atlantic, and Asia here… this warning was issued a full day before the earthquakes occurred: