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UNREPORTED EARTHQUAKES :it makes you wonder why they would add earthquakes to the long list of things that the world government lies about on a daily basis.

Steve Quayle

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Nov. 19, 2015

There's been an amazing run of earthquakes here in the high Andes lately --

and there was a time when 10 to 30 minutes after a significant earthquake,

you could find the intensity, location (coordinates), and depth on any of

the many sites devoted to "earthquake tracking" shortly thereafter.


Not anymore.


Just last night at about 12:30 a.m. we had what we estimate to be a 4.0 to

4.5 here in south central Ecuador. Here it is 12 hours later and nothing

is reported, and this isn't the first time. We've had other significant

earthquakes over the past year and nothing appears on the quake sites. Our

expat neighbors are more shocked by this non-reporting than they are by the

earthquakes themselves. This is not unlike the "under-reporting" on the

severity of Fukushima radiation that I wrote about a few months ago -- ( . . . as we are recording

gamma and neutron ray bursts, along with a broad array of unnatural

radioactive isotopes from Japan, even here in South America).


What I'm noticing is an increase in under-reporting on anything that would

suggest that we are headed for a period of ungodly earth changes. For

whatever reason, those in authority don't want us knowing the severity of

the current trendline. Major earthquake sites say that Ecuador has had 33

earthquakes so far in 2015, and that's nonsense. I moved to this part of

Ecuador in 2007 specifically because it is well known that earthquakes do

not affect this part of the country. We went for years with little to no

earthquake activity. And now what do we have? Earthquakes happening

weekly, on average -- some reported, some not. Nothing yet in the 6.5+

range, mind you . . . but still substantial.


When you understand how they track these things, you understand that this

misinformation through omission can only be deliberate. And when you

understand that, it makes you wonder why they would add earthquakes to the

long list of things that the world government lies about on a daily basis.