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Nov. 4k 2015

Just as we were expecting to see, first a series of deep earthquakes struck the West Pacific, followed by a series of larger shallower earthquakes this past week… now ultimately followed by a series of new volcanic eruptions in the West Pacific (Indonesia) region.

lombok volcano eruption nov 4 2015

Mount Barujari , Lombok, Rinjani Volcano , located in South Central Indonesia, is now sending ash clouds which is leading to the grounding of hundreds of flights in the area.

This is near the same location which was struck by a M6.3 earthquake last night (this morning) November 4, 2015.  See the post on the M6.3 earthquake here.

papua new guinea m6.3 nov 3 2015

eruption lombok indonesia november 4 2015


Most people might ask themselves after reading above….. we were expecting to see supposed “unexpected” volcanic eruptions?

Yes – this activity was forecast to occur several days ago.

Quite literally, the prospect of new volcanic eruptions this week were discussed, as was said in the video linked below, the deep earthquakes always end up causing new volcanic eruptions as the pressure transfers upwards from below the plate, which causes a disturbance in the magma chambers between the deep movement, and the surface.

Hence we get new eruptions after deep earthquakes cause shallower movement above.

See the earthquake forecast video (issued late Oct 31 into Nov 1 2015) here:



Bali Airport Closed After Volcanic Eruption


Passengers wait for information on delayed and cancelled flights after a volcanic eruption on Lombok Island.

“Bali airport has been closed and nearly 700 flights cancelled because of volcanic ash.

The closure of one of Indonesia’s busiest international airports follows a volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Lombok.

Mount Rinjani blasted ash and debris almost 11,500 feet into the air on Wednesday, according to a spokesman from the National Disaster Mitigation Agency.

The eruption shut down flights at the Ngurah Rai international airport in Bali, about 135 kilometers (84 miles) from Lombok, and the Selaparang airport in Mataram, the capital of West Nusatenggara province, located on Lombok Island.

The Blimbingsari airport in Banyuwangi on the eastern end of main Java Island has also been closed, the Ministry of Transportation said.

Rinjani is among around 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia.

The archipelago is prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes because of its location on the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’, a series of fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.”





11/03/2015 — Earthquake strikes Eastern California at “Unnamed” Volcanic Butte — Volcanic Locations now moving





California earthquake unrest is building into what appears to be a coming larger event.

Today, after a series of M4.0+ earthquakes in California, Arizona, and Oklahoma, now we see a moderate M3.5 earthquake has struck directly below an ancient “unnamed” volcanic butte in Eastern California.

unnamed volcano nov 3 2015

nov 3 2015 earthquake california


The earthquake struck next to a location called “Volcanic Hills”, which really are a series of ancient (long extinct) volcanic buttes situated at the Eastern border of California.

These multiple groups of butte volcanoes speckle the region, and they tell the tale of the violent volcanic past which makes up the Southwest , Western, and Northwest United States.

unnamed volcano nov 3 2015 a

Any time we see long extinct volcanoes showing SEISMIC activity, we know that pressure is building below the plate, as evidenced by the FOUR different M4.0+ earthquakes which struck the West coast into Midwest over the past 24 hours.

The pressure from the Pacific plate causes the ancient magma chambers, and hardened associated hardened lava tubes to be slightly perturbed – the natural “weak spot” being the crust puncture region where the old magma chamber flutes up to the surface.

The result of the greater pressure on the West coast is the movement of dormant volcanoes.

This is a warning sign of larger movement coming.  Any force that can move the whole North American plate on a M4.0+ level, and cause earthquakes at long extinct volcanoes , is a force to be watched closely for larger release.





craton movement november 2 2015
November 3 2015 – Past 24 hours of M4.0+ earthquakes in the United States shows the Western portion of the craton under serious pressure






The earthquake forecast specifically called for long dormant ancient volcanoes to show movement this week along the West coast, this is happening currently (November 3, 2015).

See the earthquake forecast video calling for the volcanic movement here:

Just as we were expecting to see, first a series of deep earthquakes struck the West Pacific, followed by a series of larger shallower earthquakes this past week… now ultimately followed by a series of new volcanic eruptions in the West Pacific (Indonesia) region.

lombok volcano eruption nov 4 2015

Mount Barujari , Lombok, Rinjani Volcano , located in South Central Indonesia, is now sending ash clouds which is leading to the grounding of hundreds of flights in the area.

This is near the same location which was struck by a M6.3 earthquake last night (this morning) November 4, 2015.  See the post on the M6.3 earthquake here.

papua new guinea m6.3 nov 3 2015

eruption lombok indonesia november 4 2015


Most people might ask themselves after reading above….. we were expecting to see supposed “unexpected” volcanic eruptions?

Yes – this activity was forecast to occur several days ago.

Quite literally, the prospect of new volcanic eruptions this week were discussed, as was said in the video linked below, the deep earthquakes always end up causing new volcanic eruptions as the pressure transfers upwards from below the plate, which causes a disturbance in the magma chambers between the deep movement, and the surface.

Hence we get new eruptions after deep earthquakes cause shallower movement above.

See the earthquake forecast video (issued late Oct 31 into Nov 1 2015) here:



Bali Airport Closed After Volcanic Eruption


Passengers wait for information on delayed and cancelled flights after a volcanic eruption on Lombok Island.

“Bali airport has been closed and nearly 700 flights cancelled because of volcanic ash.

The closure of one of Indonesia’s busiest international airports follows a volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Lombok.

Mount Rinjani blasted ash and debris almost 11,500 feet into the air on Wednesday, according to a spokesman from the National Disaster Mitigation Agency.

The eruption shut down flights at the Ngurah Rai international airport in Bali, about 135 kilometers (84 miles) from Lombok, and the Selaparang airport in Mataram, the capital of West Nusatenggara province, located on Lombok Island.

The Blimbingsari airport in Banyuwangi on the eastern end of main Java Island has also been closed, the Ministry of Transportation said.

Rinjani is among around 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia.

The archipelago is prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes because of its location on the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’, a series of fault lines stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.”






11/03/2015 — Earthquake strikes Eastern California at “Unnamed” Volcanic Butte — Volcanic Locations now moving





California earthquake unrest is building into what appears to be a coming larger event.

Today, after a series of M4.0+ earthquakes in California, Arizona, and Oklahoma, now we see a moderate M3.5 earthquake has struck directly below an ancient “unnamed” volcanic butte in Eastern California.

unnamed volcano nov 3 2015

nov 3 2015 earthquake california


The earthquake struck next to a location called “Volcanic Hills”, which really are a series of ancient (long extinct) volcanic buttes situated at the Eastern border of California.

These multiple groups of butte volcanoes speckle the region, and they tell the tale of the violent volcanic past which makes up the Southwest , Western, and Northwest United States.

unnamed volcano nov 3 2015 a

Any time we see long extinct volcanoes showing SEISMIC activity, we know that pressure is building below the plate, as evidenced by the FOUR different M4.0+ earthquakes which struck the West coast into Midwest over the past 24 hours.

The pressure from the Pacific plate causes the ancient magma chambers, and hardened associated hardened lava tubes to be slightly perturbed – the natural “weak spot” being the crust puncture region where the old magma chamber flutes up to the surface.

The result of the greater pressure on the West coast is the movement of dormant volcanoes.

This is a warning sign of larger movement coming.  Any force that can move the whole North American plate on a M4.0+ level, and cause earthquakes at long extinct volcanoes , is a force to be watched closely for larger release.





craton movement november 2 2015
November 3 2015 – Past 24 hours of M4.0+ earthquakes in the United States shows the Western portion of the craton under serious pressure






The earthquake forecast specifically called for long dormant ancient volcanoes to show movement this week along the West coast, this is happening currently (November 3, 2015).

See the earthquake forecast video calling for the volcanic movement here:


