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Dutchsinse Update on M.T. Keshe Earthquake Prediction

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Oct. 23, 2015

+dutchsinse I'll type up a full clarification on my facebook on Keshe's prediction. I know there is much more to his prediction than what I covered in the video. To be fair to him, I will review the whole thing, and post my take on it. I always take large earthquake warnings (over 9.0) with a bit a skepticism -- but I will certainly say that his location choice has panned out for sure. Central America up to South California has been silent now for a week. Not normal for the whole East Pacific. The forecast I put out yesterday (Oct 19) called for upper M6.0 to lower M7.0 activity to strike the WEST Pacific, which just happened today (Oct 20) when a M7.2 struck the West Pacific. The East pacific should be hit over the next Week, three locations SHOULD move. NW United States, SW United States, and Central America.

The locations are discussed at length in the forecast video (too long to go into detail with comment here).. Keshe apparently called for a central America mega-quake to strike on the 17th.. but really covers late October for several days. M10.0 to M20.0 seems like something out of a science fiction movie, since the scale we use goes to M9.9 for the most part -- of course magnitudes COULD be computed higher than M9.9 but the largest earthquake in recorded history was a M9.5 in Chile in the 1960's...... Anything ABOVE M9.9 would (in my opinion) be nothing more than a mathematical debate to be had at a later date, since a M9.9 or above would really be = to all the nuclear weapons in the world being detonated underground somewhere. I'm skeptical of such a large event happening out of the blue, there SHOULD be major precursors to such an event (unless it was man made / detonated / triggered by an outside frequency).

Humans could cause such an event, but that would be reaching into realms of conspiracy that I reserve for HAARP videos only :) All in all, Keshe might be right on the LOCATION, but if he's right on the magnitude, none of us will be able to find out about it due to the fact that the whole planet would be shaking. If it did occur, it would be the "big one" that most people might think would be of an "end times" scenario. If something greater than M9.9 occurred, we'd be looking at waves which would swamp every coastline around the world, cut all international cable line communications, and cause nuclear meltdown at a hundred nuclear reactors along all the coasts of the Pacific nations of the USA, Japan etc. I'm leaning towards noteworthy movement but not catastrophic activity. More like what we saw a few month ago.. when the swarm of large earthquakes hit back to back from one another around the whole Pacific plate. Good news, if I'm wrong, and Keshe is right, this comment will disappear along with Google's data center on the West coast! Let's hope Keshe's wrong! :)


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