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4/28/2015 -- West Coast Volcanic Plumes in Nevada -- Dormant buttes vent -- Seen on RADAR


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Published on Apr 28, 2015

April 28, 2015 - A series of steamplumes erupted from the deserts of Nevada near the town of Cold Springs. Coming from an unnamed ancient volcanic field located SOUTH of the Naval reservation flanking the Highway passing through Middlegate NV, East of Reno. (could maybe be CO2 or SO2 but I don't think those gasses are normally visible on RADAR unless they are very thick)


Full website post with screenshots of the event , and the RADAR feed seen in the video:




These plumes should NOT to be confused with activity at the Naval range which actually is miles away from this location, half the state of Nevada is a test ground for the United States military.


These plumes erupt directly off of the HIGHWAY area, and on private non-military land, which obviously wouldn't be being "bombed" by the military.


Another piece to this puzzling event is the National Weather Service.


Clearly (as you can see in the video), the National Weather Service was keenly interested in the area ONE HOUR BEFORE the event began.... hitting the area with two targeted pulses of high power microwaves.


Then half way through this plume event the NWS hit the plumes with a pulse again.


The plumes obviously (as seen in the video) came from a volcanic butte , old fissure zone. The particles rose into the sky, and were detected as "strong cell thunderstorms" by the storm detection systems.


After the plumes lingered in the ground level winds, they rose even higher (still being detected as MOISTURE precipitation), and blew away in the prevailing winds.


At no time did a storm actually form, and at no time were any large plumes of smoke seen from exploding bombs from the military.


Whatever these plumes of steam were, they were predominately invisible to the human eye, but certainly were seen on RADAR. Thus leading me back to an emission of steam that would most certainly be viewable on RADAR , but not show up as a giant "eruption".


The town nearby is called Cold Springs. The last plume event happened last week at DESERT HOT SPRINGS in Southern California.


See last weeks California plume event here:


The National Weather Service did something one hour BEFORE the eruption of plumes which lets us know that THEY knew something was going on in the area worth looking at with the weather RADAR.




In the past when we have seen plumes appear near volcanic areas, natural springs, and even from deep frack wells filled with water -- this normally is followed by earthquake activity within a few days.


In the past these plumes did NOT lead to an eruption of lava / ash, rather large earthquakes in nearby areas occurred.


For example, a steam plume event occurred last week in California, directly before the 5.5M struck off the coast of California, and a 6.2M struck the West Coast near Vancouver Island BC.


In 2011 we saw a plume event in Southern California at pisgah crater, followed 3 weeks later by a 4.5M earthquake at Pisgah Crater.


In 2012 we saw something like this in California, and Nevada, which was followed by a 6.3M in Baja Mexico near the California Border, and a 7.7M in Vancouver BC.


In 2012 and 2013 we saw plumes appear at hundreds of fracking operations in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama... followed by a series of unexpected earthquakes, and strange geologic movement at the fracking / injection operations in these exact same states.


In 2014 we seemed to see a lull in activity, producing few plume events worth noting.


Then we resumed at the end of 2014, and now we're back to 2011 type activity.


Worthy to note that this plume activity only seems to occur when we see global earthquake and volcanic activity.