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DUTCHSINCE: 4/02/2015 -- New Madrid Earthquake (4.0M) + Global Earthquake Forecast -- Texas Fracking mess

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Published on Apr 2, 2015

A new earthquake forecast is out. All areas named in the video need to watch for up to 7 days from today (April 2, 2015 approximately 12noon CDT).


Specific areas to watch for larger movement are:


North Japan to Kamchatka Russia.


Taiwain to North Philippines.


Papua New Guniea


All three above mentioned areas are NW of the deep 6.0M earthquake which occurred in the asthenosphere (near Fiji / Vanuatu).


Every time we see deep asthenosphere movement, we normally see shallow larger movement in the areas NW of the deep epicenter. Thus we need to watch Papua New Guinea to Japan for a possible larger earthquake.


South America, watch near Villarrica , Southern tip of Chile along the coast.


Central America.. Nicaragua to Guatemala.. also be on watch for a greater than 6.0 to 7.0M earthquake.


United States, watch off shore of Los Angeles at the fracking / oil platforms , Southeast to Salton Sea. Coast of Oregon North to Vancouver BC. Both areas should show at least a single 4.0M+ event .. possibly upwards of 5.0M.


States along the edge of the craton.. Wyoming / Idaho, Colorado / New Mexico, Kansas / Oklahoma / Texas -- all need to be on watch for another round of 4.0M+ earthquake at the center of the craton.. and a series of 3.0M earthquakes in adjacent states.


East coast, be on watch for a swarm of smaller earthquakes from Connecticut North to New Brunswick canada (possibly SE Quebec).. could either be a swarm, or a single larger event in the 3.0-4.0M range further North at the US Canada east coast border.




Dormant volcanoes moving on the West coast (California and Nevada):




Yellowstone shows increased geyser activity:



Villarrica volcano in Chile near 9.5M earthquake epicenter from 1960:



New eruption at Villarrica in Chile:



Fracking operations moving in Texas, and Oklahoma:



Pisgah Volcano in Southern California shows 4.0 magnitude earthquake:

