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DUTCHSINCE: GLOBAL EARTHQUAKE UPDATE - 9/20/2014 — — Unrest showing across multiple regions


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Selpt.. 20, 2014

Graphic below shows the past 7 days of earthquakes (up to 530pm CDT September 20, 2014) Eastern and Western Hemispheres , 4.0M+ internationally / 2.5M+ in the United States and territories. (source USGS)


earthquake update setp 20 2014

Volcanic and seismic activity are currently on the rise. Multiple 4.0M+ earthquakes across the North American craton, additional earthquake swarm activity occurring at the Oklahoma and Texas fracking operations.

Dormant volcanoes and magma chambers being displaced in North America as well…. near Salton Sea (south california), Mount Saint Helens, also in North Nevada, and at the Arizona / New Mexico border.

Central America needs to be on watch. Vancouver British Columbia , as well as Southern California near Salton Sea… all need to be ready for larger movement in the near term. The vast area being displaced across North America means we should see some noteworthy compensation movement along the edges of the plate boundaries.

West Pacific, be on watch near Japan, and New Zealand. Possibly also include far Western Indonesia as a place to be on guard for large movement.

Europe. Watch North Italy , and the English Channel into South UK.

South America. Watch the area NW of Chile / Peru experiencing the current swarm.