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Above all the evidence that Yellowstone will erupt soon;

* helium 4 being ejected all over the park 10,000 higher than normal (worrying the serious scientists),

*animals fleeing the park (deer, bison, elk, rabbits and others),

*USGS hiding earthquake swarms (with solid proof to back that up),

* rapid differences in geothermal eruptions all over the park,

*massive coverup articles published recently by so called scientists (who also make sure to claim no one knows when she will erupt),

*as well as the fact that the Chinese have been using the study of animal behavior for centuries to predict earthquakes (because the animals are so reliable),

* and the fact that recent uplift in the ground over the caldera is at least 10 inches, enough to alarm said Scientists (before they were told to shut up about it),

* and that we are 30,000 years overdue for her current eruption,

* and the fact that the planet has recently entered the photon belt, and the higher energies are activating the magma swell visibly,

*  and the Comet ISON passing by the planet recently was more than enough to have said Scientists and our government freaking out that she might blow,

*  and some idiot tried to use HAARP to aggravate Yellowstone a few weeks back,and it worked dangerously so, (the Federation had to put a stop to it before she actually did blow!),

*  and the fact that the magma chamber has recently been proven to be 2 1/2 times larger than previously believed to be, (and under Montana, Idaho and Wyoming)

*  and the fact that there are 100 nuclear plants across America now, in 31 states.

* plus two major faultlines (New Madrid and San Andreas) that are both acting up right now,

The part THAT UPSETS ME THE MOST is the fact that the President told USGS to shut up about any imminent eruption by Yellowstone Supervolcano, WHILE THEY ARE PAYING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO OTHER COUNTRIES TO HOUSE SOME AMERICANS AFTER THE ERUPTION HAPPENS.  Africa has turned USA down, because they don't want so many 'whites' invading their country. (big surprise, huh?)

IF nothing is going to happen, why are they trying to move out of the country???



----- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2014 11:49 PM
Subject: Solar Cross Mailing List... #263