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Sept. 21, 2014

Yellowstone Supervolcano Rising, Releasing, And Rumbling Like 600,000 BC

IITM: Yellowstone volcano hasn’t erupted in over 600000 years, and now it’s rumbling, rising and belching out ancient helium gases… we’ve also got some massive sun activity.  Good thing your leaders are fracking, bombing and geoengineering like there is no tommorrow eh?  Maybe they are planning on no tomorrow, is that possible? 


What can you do?  Well, part of the problem is that people feel they are powerless… but even with a volcano, we are not powerless… one of the reasons there is so much kinetic energy buildup on our planet,  that must be released through volcanoes, is because so many humans are putting out so much negativity that our planet absorbs… ever think of that while you watch violent movies and watch violent video games, bitching about everything in a heartless manner?  Mother earth is now releasing the buildup of energy… so if you want to help… lose the negativity NOW… and then learn to work with the Light…. there are no limits in how you can express love, and thus soothe the mother that the masses have raped in a very heartless manner for the past recent generations.  Have you ever told your planet that you loved her, and meant it?  Try it and live it, and that is the difference you can make right now… yes, even with a supervolcano.    Learn to work with the unseen Light… Humanity Has The Violet Flame, And Now We Know How To Use It | Alternative

Leaked Email: U.S.G.S Yellowstone Supervolcano Activity Supressed, Millions of Refugees Expected

Some points from More Unusual “Activity” at Yellowstone Super Volcano! Releasing Thousand More Times Of Helium Steam Than Anticipated  

1) The ground inside the gigantic mouth of the Yellowstone Super Volcano is rising and moving southeastward.

2) Helium -4,  not normally present, has suddenly appeared at Yellowstone  in unbelievably large amounts never seen before.

3) When Helium -4 was seen at other volcanoes, it appeared shortly before major eruptions of those volcanoes.

4) Prior to most volcanic eruptions, earthquakes occur near the volcano and just this past week, one of the largest earthquakes in the US  at just  M3.6, occurred close to Yellowstone crater, on 11 February.

Naysayers beware, the evidence is stacking up.  if you’re waiting for an mass-media announcement….it has now happened and wont get any more direct. These words don’t come lightly from experts who appreciate that such statements – if wrong – can undermine the jobs these scientists do.

We have previously (within the last week) been warned an eruption could occur suddenly with no warning….that was the warning!




 Recent Earthquakes in the Intermountain West

Yellowstone National Park Special Map

Special Map





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Special maps: Yellowstone National Park || ANSS Intermountain West Region

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Maps are updated within about 5 minutes of an earthquake or once an hour.

Brown lines represent known hazardous faults or fault zones. White lines are roads.

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Update time = Sat Feb 22 9:00:01 MST 2014

Here are the 30 most recent earthquakes and all M>3 earthquakes on this map...

        y/m/d     h:m:s     deg     deg     km
 1.4  2014/02/20 12:01:02 44.750N 110.808W  5.5   25 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.2  2014/02/20 12:00:37 44.769N 110.802W 13.4   27 km (17 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.3  2014/02/20 08:32:56 44.585N 111.127W 11.8    9 km ( 5 mi) S   of  West Yellowstone, MT
 0.1  2014/02/20 05:51:54 44.789N 111.021W  4.2   16 km (10 mi) NNE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.3  2014/02/19 22:02:07 44.749N 110.800W  7.9   26 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 2.5  2014/02/19 13:34:08 44.776N 111.085W  8.1   13 km ( 8 mi) N   of  West Yellowstone, MT
 2.3  2014/02/19 11:15:36 44.773N 111.081W  7.1   13 km ( 8 mi) N   of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.5  2014/02/19 07:49:26 44.735N 110.643W  5.3   34 km (21 mi) S   of  Gardiner, MT
 1.7  2014/02/19 07:49:13 44.733N 110.644W  4.7   34 km (21 mi) S   of  Gardiner, MT
 2.0  2014/02/19 07:48:05 44.739N 110.636W  7.3   34 km (21 mi) S   of  Gardiner, MT
 2.2  2014/02/19 05:30:25 44.764N 111.095W  6.8   11 km ( 7 mi) N   of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.5  2014/02/19 04:59:38 44.796N 111.016W  5.3   16 km (10 mi) NNE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 0.4  2014/02/18 18:06:38 44.795N 111.305W 10.9   22 km (13 mi) NW  of  West Yellowstone, MT
 -0.5  2014/02/18 11:36:24 44.736N 110.825W  6.9   24 km (15 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.6  2014/02/18 11:35:55 44.742N 110.785W  6.7   27 km (17 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.4  2014/02/18 10:42:11 44.741N 110.779W  8.1   27 km (17 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.2  2014/02/18 10:32:58 44.774N 111.091W  7.2   12 km ( 8 mi) N   of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.7  2014/02/18 10:10:50 44.737N 110.779W  7.8   27 km (17 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.7  2014/02/18 09:57:47 44.744N 110.787W  8.0   27 km (17 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.5  2014/02/18 09:53:17 44.737N 110.790W  5.4   26 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.1  2014/02/18 09:51:42 44.743N 110.793W  6.4   26 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 0.6  2014/02/18 06:55:44 44.749N 110.799W  8.1   26 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 2.9  2014/02/18 04:08:36 44.723N 110.638W  6.8   35 km (22 mi) S   of  Gardiner, MT
 0.7  2014/02/17 21:28:14 44.748N 110.806W  5.8   26 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 2.2  2014/02/17 21:27:53 44.752N 110.795W 10.2   27 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 -0.2  2014/02/17 21:27:35 44.755N 110.801W  7.8   26 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 1.2  2014/02/17 17:13:48 44.749N 110.812W  8.0   25 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 2.4  2014/02/17 16:38:10 44.745N 110.804W  7.8   26 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 2.1  2014/02/17 16:37:25 44.748N 110.809W  8.0   25 km (16 mi) ENE of  West Yellowstone, MT
 2.1  2014/02/17 05:01:42 44.775N 111.100W  6.8   13 km ( 8 mi) N   of  West Yellowstone, MT

Click here to see this same map with a complete list of earthquakes.