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Video: Apocalyptic!!! Quake Causes 100+ Sinkholes Swallowing Up Parts Of The Philippines

Susan Dudos

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Nov. 6, 2013

After suffering a massive 7.2 earthquake on October 15, sinkhole after sinkhole has been opening up and swallowing parts of the Philippines, some large enough to hold 5 dump trucks and some still appear to be growing in size. The number has now grown to over 100 and have been discovered in nine towns and one city in Bohol so far. It is also being reported that the yellow water being found at some sites could be phosphate.

Remember also that in late October it was shown that there was a miles-long wall that has developed after the earth just opened up.

According to Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) director, Leo Jasareno “There are still more,” to be found.

The videos and images below will show how bad this situation is.