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Hydrogeologist: I’m not kidding, we honestly don’t know what’s going on in cavern below giant sinkhole — “Nobody’s ever encountered anything like this in history of mankind” — World’s top experts don’t even have a good hypothesis — Wellhead pressure now up to almost 600 psi (VIDEO)


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July 19, 2013

Title: Public Briefing 7/16/13

Published by: assumptionla

July 17, 2013

At 5:00 in

Gary Hecox, CB&I hydrogeologist: This is going to not satisfy you, but we honestly don’t know.

We have talked to some of the leading experts in the world as too what could be causing this. We don’t know. Nobody’s ever encountered anything like this in the history of mankind.

I’m not kidding, what’s going on with that cavern where it’s going up several hundred feet and down several hundred feet, we don’t know if it’s some equipment issues or if there’s something going on in the cavern that we don’t understand. The pressure in the cavern continues to slowly increase. It’s up now to almost 600psi in the wellhead, that’s brine pressure not gas. […]

I don’t even have a good hypothesis to tell you. […]

The world experts have looked at this and we don’t know.

Watch the presentation here

Published: July 19th, 2013 at 3:25 pm ET
