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Pole Shift News - Three Vidoes


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FW:  July 3, 2013

1.  Pole shift news code red it has started

Published on Jun 24, 2013

Trust me guys you feel somethings not right with the climate, i am telling you the facts / evidence confirms it is not right. This is unprecidented times the magnetosphere is weakening, the magnetic poles are migrating, and the core of this Earth has without a doubt heated up, this is a game changer for everybody included in humanity, and you bethcha it will have financial implications for everybody ten years ago already. The new steady state has yet to align, and until that equilibrium i would suggest be prepared. I am going to shortly be putting out an international alert, stay tuned.


2.  Alert pole shift news update

Published on Jun 25, 2013

Seriously brothers and sisters, we need to address the situation which we are faced with, turmoil would be a better description for what is taking place right now, we are not just talking about the economics which solely affect one species ie humans, we are talking geological changes to the planet. Our not too distant family or so to speak, our companions that share this planet are indeed feeling the changes and reacting likewise, they themselves and i am talking about the whales that wash themselves up on beaches, the millions of fish that do the same, and the trillions of crustaceans likewise that are washing up on our shorelines, and the migrationary patterns of birds lets not forget sub tropical trees that are showing signs in polar regions. You all know and you really do know that what we are witnessing is grand scale evolutionary change, and like the migrational north pole increasing distance expenentially, we are seeing the same through other bio diversities and species. If we excuse the distractions within our individual lives and put aside our unimportant factors and take a look over the horizon we will begin to understand what we need to do, there is light forces and dark forces, you know this as well as i do, but we cannot allow no means or matter the darkness to fall on our watch whatsoever, whatsoever, blessings Gene.



3.  RED alert pole shift news "this is real"

Published on Jun 27, 2013

Firstly let me introduce you to the Buy Maverickstar a Beer Link optional

Secondly this is my 144 upload and 30 minutes long,wow soon i will have to rent out wembly for a 13 hour David Ike rant. I dont think there is one video i have done to date that includes so much evidence as this one, but thinking about that there is more evidence i could have added to this, which is frightening cause these videos are getting longer and longer. You wouldnt think there was so much to discuss at this time, cause there are so many aspects of what is taking place right now you would almost believe that this migration of the magnetic pole was everything to do with these changes, and whose to say that the approach to 40 degrees already hasnt had an effect on human thought patterns. This reminds me of something else i want to talk to you guys about in the upcoming videos to do with trans and sis chemical reactions exactly the same chemical molecule reversed in its polarity, only thing is one is poisonous and the other isnt, yet both exactly the same. That will have to be for the next vid though guys, as usual thumb the video up leave me a comment. Best Gene