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RESPONSE TO: Magnetic Pole Shift Accelerating

Rocky Montana

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May 6, 2013

Truther / April 30, 2013


[Comments added by R. Montana]


NUKE PRO: Exposing Truth

Anti-Nuclear Information and Resources, and Disaster Preparation Planning:

Moral of the story—we shouldn’t allow the most dangerous thing on earth (nuclear power plants and nuclear waste) to exist on our HOME PLANET, when we know for a fact that our home planet is not stable, and in fact is getting more unstable.                                                                                 

[There shouldn't be nuclear power plants, nuclear bombs, nuclear waste, nor nuclear fall-out on this or on any other planet in this or any other universe, PERIOD! -- as to manufacture, operate, promote, encourage and tolerate nuclear radiation in our skies and on our lands(the by-product of nuclear bombs and power plants) is self-murder and planetary genocide!  Atomic/nuclear radiation destroys DNA structure causes DISEASE (cancer) and DEATH to ALL living biological organisms above the surface, on the surface, and even a few feet below the surface of the planet!]

I first noticed the magnetic pole shift around 2006, being a pilot and a solar engineer I often took measurements, and for a while nothing was lining up the way it used to, so I tried a few different compasses.   I thought it strange, and I thought it stranger that no one was talking about it.

I wouldn’t say this was the “kick off” to my impression that things were getting wacky in the world.   Maybe the first was the doubling of property values in less than 2 years that let me get out from an underwater property to a nice profit.

But lets put it this way….the “experts” are often just making stuff up, to get their grant money and help their universities get federal funding.

[All "science" is not "REAL" science.  Much of it is made up "pseudo science", "junk science" and "religious science" where you must BELIEVE what the "experts" tell you, for they cannot  conclusively PROVE or explain it.  It is conjured in order to fool and control mankind, and yet the un-awakened ones (the majority of people on this planet at this time) eat it up like popcorn and believe every word it as if it were "The Gospel".  Beware of today's so-called "experts" and "scientists" who are allowed onto, or are quoted in, the mainstream media for they and their prattlings are totally controlled by the-evil-powers-that-be on this planet.]

NASA is downplaying magnetic shift saying “it happens all the time”, as are  other parrots of the “don’t panic the sheep” cartel.   These things are suspicious.   The experts can all justify their actions by rationalizing that avoiding panic is better than dealing with what is going to happen anyway.

Classic writing say that a north south magnetic pole shift happens every 320,000 years or so with wide variations, and that the last one was 700,000 years ago.

Magnetic Pole Shift Accelerating

Observed north dip poles during 1831 – 2007. Image credit Arnaud Chulliat (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris).

However, some pretty credible data cross correlated from the Black Sea, the Laschamp event in the Massif Central, and Greenland data, and shows a “rapid” 250 year complete pole shift, around 41,000 years ago, followed by a european super volcano around 39,500 years ago.

And let me throw this in….what about that really cool rise of Cro-Magnon man and epic cave paintings around 35,000 to 39,000?     Indeed, magnetic pole shift appears to occur with a lessening of overall magnetic field, which allows more cosmic radiation in to the home planet, which allows for more DNA damage and the occasionally successful mutation that works better.    Saber toothed tigers probably kept the cancer rates in check pretty well.

We are in a period of very fast movement of the magnetic pole, and it appears the north pole has the itchy feet and the south pole is more stable.

[According to available Earth data, the North magnetic pole began its latest major migration cycle in 1831 in the direction of Northern Siberia and is currently moving at a rate of 34 miles (55 km.) per year.  The North magnetic pole is fairly near True North being only about 360 miles (580 km) apart.  The effect of this movement has caused a gradual melting of the ice cap in the current Arctic region.  When magnetic North and True North reach their final position, a new polar ice cap will begin to form.

By contrast, data shows that the South magnetic pole is also drifting, but slowing to a rate of 3 miles (5 km.) per year.  The South magnetic pole is migrating in the direction of Southeastern Australia.  Also, by contrast, the South magnetic pole is separated nearly 1800 miles (2900 km) from True South.  This may be the reason that the South pole ice cap on Antarctica has remained relatively unchanged.

This 1800 miles between the South magnetic pole and True South may also indicate a build-up of repressed energy or potential energy.  The more the North magnetic pole and True North move along its current course, and the more the South magnetic pole moves away from True South, the more potential energy is created.  At some point equilibrium must be maintained between the two poles.  This condition may one day release enormous pent-up energy in one seismic event, like the snapping of a huge rubber band, thus causing a massive shift at the South pole.  The result would, in turn, cause catastrophic Tsunamis affecting all life living in the Pacific Basin.  An immediate climate change would occur affecting all living creatures living 500 to 1,000 miles, or more, of the new True South pole.  Temperatures in this new South pole would drop to 0 to 160 degrees F. in a matter of hours. 

Were it not for the higher technological assistance provided by our guardians from the cosmos, using their mighty space craft to stabilize the rotation of Earth about its axis, the planet would have surely flipped upon its axis and wobbled out of orbit by now, which, in turn, would have killed all biological life on the planet.  Our guardian angels, would then have be obligated by Galactic mandate to evacuate our planet prior to this event taking place.  A thought of appreciation and gratitude is in order for these galactic friends of higher vibrational manifestation, who are stationed around our relatively small home world for this very purpose, in order to see to it that the whole of the human race on Earth does not perish.  Thank you, Brothers!]


Observed and estimated south dip poles during 1600 – 1986.

But nothing to worry about….NASA says the pole flips “all the time”, and other experts state that there is no evidence that a pole flip was harmful in the past (maybe check the IPhone data records), and that most people wouldn’t even notice a pole flip.  Yeah, very reassuring, why don’t you guys at least focus on detecting these 153,000 asteroids like the one that hit the earth in April 2012.    An amateur astronomer found it just days before it hit.

Another near miss

2013-04-26 23:01:41


Rocky Montana