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Toxic Bayou Corne sinkhole in Louisiana slowly swallowing up state: another three acres of land disappear into abyss

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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March 22, 2013

(NaturalNews) Last summer, a rural area of southeastern Louisiana known as Assumption Parish was changed forever following the unexpected formation of a giant sinkhole that suddenly appeared one day out of nowhere. This mysterious sinkhole, which was later dubbed the "Great Louisiana Sinkhole," has been gradually gaining in size now for about seven months, and it appears to be picking up speed, having reportedly swallowed up an entire acre of land in just one day, and three acres of land in under a week.

If this is the first time you are hearing about the Great Louisiana Sinkhole, you can thank the mainstream media for keeping the general public in the dark about its existence, and the very serious threat it poses not only to Louisianans but to all of humanity. An apparent product of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster of 2010, this anomalous sinkhole appears to be connected to underground salt domes that are collapsing, releasing toxic gases, oil, and possibly other materials.

In this particular case, degradation of salt domes near Napoleonville in Assumption Parish appear to be responsible for triggering the formation of the Great Louisiana Sinkhole, which has gained considerable size since it first appeared last August. According to the latest estimates, which are constantly changing as the sinkhole expands, more than 12 acres have already been swallowed up, and 20 more are in the process of sinking, with no end in sight.

According to reports, flammable gases like methane are apparently leaking into the sinkhole and bubbling up to the top. A nearby well filled with butane is also threatened by the sinkhole, which is killing trees, plants, and other foliage in the area surrounding the sinkhole. You can see in the following video clips the size of the sinkhole when it first formed, and how much larger it has become since that time:

1) Here is the sinkhole as it looked during a helicopter flyover that took place on August 12, 2012:

2) Here is the sinkhole a little more than six months later on March 1, 2013:

3) And here is the sinkhole on March 8, 2013, just a few days after an additional three acres of land collapsed into it in less than a week:


Will the sinkhole and collapsing salt domes trigger an explosion, or possibly destabilize the New Madrid earthquake fault?

Despite the mainstream media's blackout of this very serious situation, truth-seekers from around the world have been closely watching this situation to see what develops. And so far, nothing positive is happening. For months, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal ignored the sinkhole, even after it became clear that locals needed to evacuate the area for their own safety. Only recently did Gov. Jindal acknowledge the sinkhole's existence, and even then had nothing reassuring to say about how it might be mitigated.

And this is exactly why the situation is so disturbing -- at this point, due to the current size of the sinkhole and its increasingly exponential rate of growth, it appears as though nothing can truly be done to stop it. And based on a sharp uptick in seismic activity throughout the area in recent days, some experts believe an explosion is imminent, or perhaps the complete destabilization of the New Madrid Fault Line, which could result in a major earthquake stemming from the area where Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee all meet one another.

For up-to-the-minute information about the status of the sinkhole from people on the ground in the area, you can check out the "Bayou Corne Sinkhole" Facebook page:

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