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Is the New Madrid Mega Quake Being Engineered?

Nicholas West and Zen Gardner

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Feb. 25, 2013

he Powers-That-Be seem to be making a continuous effort to drive a stake right into America’s heart(land). Natural disasters are on the rise, and an increasing amount of evidence is leading to the conclusion that these natural disasters might not be completely natural

Is the New Madrid Mega Quake Being Engineered

Some already have speculated that we are entering a time of weather and earthquake wars, as the incidence of mega disasters has risen across the world. Is government experimentation simply going awry, or is it being orchestrated on purpose? Are they hiding behind or even amplifying current natural earth changes such as the strong solar cycle and the ongoing magnetic pole shift to accomplish some furtive plot?The hidden hand has always cloaked itself using a wide array of techniques to conceal its divide-and-conquer agenda. By owning the ultimate weapon — the very climate upon which we all depend — entire regions can now be put under a full spectrum of remote control already served up through climate change, economic instability, and the military-surveillance complex brought in under the false threat of terrorism.

Louisiana Sink Hole – Will This Trigger the Big One?As you peruse the points below and the accompanying illustrations, you’ll see a very clear, seriously dangerous weak spot.If someone wanted to deal a disastrous blow to this nation, where would you trigger a “natural disaster” if you could?The recent developments with the growing Louisiana sinkhole caving into a potentially massively explosive gas repository also used for nuclear waste storage is something to keep a close eye on and take very seriously.


Will A New Madrid Quake Be Natural, Manipulated, or Both? The Sordid Lead Up To Now

Let’s first look at the evidence for the manipulation of natural disasters and the proposed government solutions, then move to the massive preparation undertaken by FEMA indicating that something big is on the way for the area of the New Madrid Fault.

The Evidence of a Plan

Predictive Programming — This is where the groundwork is laid for directing people toward an imagined future. Through books, video games, movies, propaganda placement, and education, the passive receiving of orchestrated information can literally change the future. Elites have always been obsessed with mind control . . . and the best form is that which is the least obvious. The unaware are manipulated and controlled without a single shot being fired, or a single piece of legislation written. However, once one becomes attuned to their methods, it becomes incredibly obvious. Besides the constant bombardment of mega-disaster and end-of-the-world scenarios, including the new madrid mega quake, one prime current example is geoengineering (aka chemtrails). This chemical spraying has now wormed into movies and public places as an example for children to embrace the new normal of planes laying down a tic-tac-toe murky gloom across our skies.