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Just In: New sinkhole flyover footage shows largest growth yet — No more grass road above pipeline — Many trees collapsing (VIDEO & PHOTOS)


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oct. 15, 2012

I worked for seven years in consultative marketing of bio-remediation of hazardous waste, primarily hydrocarbons. Bullet point #7 “•Ensure total remediation of the entire site” is BS. There isn’t enough money, manpower, and cooperation from the oil companies to re-mediate the condition that has developed in Bayou Corne; and, it is not over. The land and the water in that area are poisoned virtually forever. Anyone living within a mile of the sinkhole should be evacuated due to the Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)….”fumes” as layman might say.

This is not a unique event. Sinkholes caused by salt dome failures due to oil industry operations are common worldwide. But, this time these greedy bastards have screwed the pooch. The/their “Plan” appears to look as though the authorities have the matter in hand. The truth is they don’t have a clue how to stop what’s happening because there is no way to stop it. The edge of the salt dome is irreparably damaged…GFL.

Assumption Parish Long Range Plan


• Conducting testing of investigatory well to determine cavern condition and root cause

• Scientific Group conference calls/meetings will be scheduled weekly to review new data and issues that arise

• Continue source investigation and file review

• Evaluate results of monitoring data and take necessary action

• Monitor operations at investigatory well and sink hole (day light hours)

• Staff on standby to assist incident commander

• Ensure total remediation of the entire site *

*Editor's note: This is impossible.

• Continue to pursue landowner access agreements

• Implement Shaw E&I’s Plan of Action

• Install observation/vent wells as necessary

• Install geoprobe observation wells as necessary

• Conduct industrial well sampling weekly and bubble sites as reported.

• Dome operators to identify presence of natural gas and vent as necessary

• Ensure Texas Brine fully complies with the Commissioner of Conservation’s Order dated 11

Oct 2012


• Continue to conduct sampling on air and water in area of operation

• Total remediation of the entire site

• Continue to conduct hazard assessment monitoring with APSD in resident homes and properties when requested.