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Magnetic reversal “imminent,” says National Geographic – Video

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Jan. 23, 2012

Scientists agree that Earth has long been subjected to thousands of traumatic magnetic reversals of the poles, and that we’re due for another — but when?

This video from the National Geographic, first posted on 24 Feb 09,  says the next magnetic reversal is “imminent.”

To gain more understanding of our magnetic field, in 2010 the European Space Agency will launch three SWARM satellites. These satellites – successors to the Ørsted satellite – will be equipped with magnetometers to map the earth’s magnetic field. One of the satellites will orbit at about 530 km above the earth, the other two will fly side by side at about 430 km, providing a sort of ‘stereo-vision’ of the magnetic field.

The earth’s magnetic field protects us from deadly cosmic radiation. As our magnetic field strength decays – which it is now doing – and cosmic radiation will – as the above video says – “get increasingly close to Earth’s surface.”

As I maintain in “Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps,” this radiation will lead to mutations and evolutionary leaps.

You can also view the above video, entitled “Magnetic Reversal of Fortune,” here:

Thanks to Richard Lacaba for this link

If you Google SWARM, you will primarily get info on earthquake swarms. However, if you Google SWARM and Nils Olsen (a geophysicist working on S

WARM), you will get many references to the SWARM satellites.