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Fukushima Residents - Recent Quakes feel like bombs/explosions underground, not normal quakes

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Jan. 9, 2012

I really feel the need to keep Fukushima in the spot light.  I feel people need to understand Fukushima is still a major problem.


Today Fukushima Diary

has information about the quakes that are happening there.  Many have posted they are not normal quakes but the feel more like explosions/bombs going off underground.



Fukushima citizens tweet that recent series of the earthquake feel different from usual ones.


mainakata311 麻意☆福島県民



I think everyone has noticed it if they live in Fukushima since 311, and paid attention to earthquakes. Suddenly, the way of shaking has changed, isn’t it ? feels like something is exploding underground, like a bomb.













I feel that too. It feels as if I was sleeping in the double bunk beds and someone knocked me up from the lower bunk. It comes up from the underground all of a sudden ,like bang. I woke up several times to be surprised at the knocking up shock. My heart beats heard, can’t be reassured for around the clock.






I live in Ibaraki, but my family, and people around me feel the same way too. It’s not a normal earthquake, but a short quake as if something was exploding underground. I haven’t felt that quake for 40 years. It happens everyday.


The only reason to deny the possibility of hydrovolcanic explosion underground is because the radiation level is not spiking up after the earthquake, but I doubt if the steam comes right above the epicenter.

 There have been more quakes there - today the 9th there have been two and others yesterday - you can view them on this site.




13:52 JST 09 Jan 2012 13:48 JST 09 Jan 2012 Fukushima-ken Nakadori     M2.7    1    



13:25 JST 09 Jan 2012 13:20 JST 09 Jan 2012 Fukushima-ken Hamadori     M3.5     1
21:32 JST 08 Jan 2012 21:28 JST 08 Jan 2012 Fukushima-ken Oki       M3.7          1




Here is my post about Fukushima and Reactor 4 boiling without water in it on 1/1/12. 


UPDATE 1/9/12 7:23 PM est - Fall out radiation is increasing in the Fukushima area again, as of the 6th of January.  Concrete is falling apart under reactor 4 containment vessel.




Fall-out of Ce134 and 137 spiked up after the new year’s day in Fukushima.


Having the peak on 1/2/2012 and it was in the decreasing trend.

However, it’s starting to increase since 1/6/2012 again.

“Concrete parts under the spent fuel pool are dropping on the ground .”