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Nuke Monaco Bank & Canary Islands

From Benjamin Fulford

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Dec. 20, 2011

Hi I'm a memeber of the blog since it's first entry and grand follower of yours.

Thing is, I just read your new enatry and came a bit stunned by this paragraph:

“If Tokyo is attacked, then the Monaco bank in the Canary Islands will be knocked into the ocean, according to very powerful but anonymous sources that have their own nukes and their own HAARP machines. That will create a 100 meter or more tsunami that will hit New York and Washington. People will have time to evacuate but hopefully the waves will remove the filth that has built up in Wall Street and Washington D.C.”


That as an inhabitant of the Canary Islands, I'm sure, you'll understand I’ve some questions.

Like which island, and which bank, because there is no such bank as “The Monaco Bank”. And lesser in the canaries.

And if it is going to be knocked into the ocean, then by all means it should be lying around the coastline or?

There are 11 banks in Monaco:












None of them I’ve seen to have a building for themselves in the Canaries.

They are 7 islands, divided in two provinces, the 4 more to the west and the 3 more to the east.

Financial, and big populations are found practically in only two islands Tenerife and Gran Canaria, which are located in between the others.

None of them have the capacity to generate a tidal wave that will travel to the US, without hitting first the other islands.

Second is the very convenient timing with the El Hierro’s volcanic and seismic activities, which induce a very well selling fear that has still not been exported to the US (I think the Yellowstone problem is more worthy of attention).

El Hierro is not a violent volcano nor are the rest of the islands.

Only La Palma’s western side of it’s Caldera de Taburiente is more prone to falling down and creating a nice tidal wave that will reach US.

I don't know exactly what the very powerful but anonymous sources that have their own nukes and their own HAARP machines that have contacted you and told you all this, know about the Canary Islands or if it's just a bluff.

But As a local, I've my doubts about the veracity of this info.

May you be able to provide more specific info on this?

Thank you.


Thanks for the very useful information Rafael. My sources tell me there  is a large underwater rock formation in the Canary islands and that if it were to suddenly fall into the deeper ocean, it would set off a catastrophic tsunami.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say:

Canary Islands

Geologists S. Day and S. Ward consider that a megatsunami could be generated during a future eruption involving the Cumbre Vieja on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, Spain.[15][16]

In 1949, the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted at its Duraznero, Hoyo Negro and San Juan vents. During this eruption, an earthquake with an epicentre near the village of Jedy occurred. The following day Rubio Bonelli, a local geologist, visited the summit area and discovered that a fissure about 2.5 kilometers (1.6 mi) long had opened on the eastern side of the summit. As a result, the western half of the Cumbre Vieja (which is the volcanically active arm of a triple-armed rift) had slipped about 2 meters (6.6 ft) downwards and 1 meter (3.3 ft) westwards towards the Atlantic Ocean[citation needed].

The Cumbre Vieja volcano is currently in a dormant stage, but will almost certainly erupt again in the future. Day and Ward hypothesize[15][16] that if such an eruption causes the western flank to fail, a megatsunami will be generated.

La Palma is currently the most volcanically active island in the Canary Islands Archipelago. It is likely that several eruptions would be required before failure would occur on Cumbre Vieja.[15][16] However, the western half of the volcano has an approximate volume of 500 cubic kilometres (120 cu mi) and an estimated mass of 1,500,000,000,000 metric tons (1.7×1012 short tons) If it were to catastrophically slide into the ocean, it could generate a wave with an initial height of about 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) at the island, and a likely height of around 50 metres (164 ft) at the Caribbean and the Eastern North American seaboard when it runs ashore eight or more hours later. Tens of millions of lives would be lost as New York, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Miami, Havana, and many other cities near the Atlantic coast are leveled. The likelihood of this happening is a matter of vigorous debate.[17]

The last Cumbre Vieja eruption occurred in 1971 at the southern end of the sub-aerial section without any movement. The section affected by the 1949 eruption is currently stationary and does not appear to have moved since the initial rupture.[18]

Geologists and volcanologists also disagree about whether an eruption on the Cumbre Vieja would cause a single large gravitational landslide or a series of smaller landslides.