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Warning From Mayan Elders of Coming Events August 2011

Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

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I have received notice stating Mayan elders wish to contact me regarding events they believe to be coming in August. I believe the subject to be of earth changing events and geo-political fallout.


As related to geo-political, I can't help but think these issues would encompass the United States monetary position in the world's economy. There have also been predictions of a single strike nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India. It would appear this event has become more tangible than ever before.


As related to earth changing events, it would certainly reflect episodes of earthquake, volcano, hurricane, and extreme weather. Acknowledgement of the Sun and its changing effects on Earth will be deciphered.



Note to my science community: You might be surprised to find how much scientific research recently discovered in the last several months have in fact suggested an intimate causal connection between our Sun, Earth (solar system), and our galaxy Milky Way. To no surprise of many scientific colleagues, and a vast number of amateur researchers, electro-magnetism is the conduit of all things -- charged particles which extends the full spectrum of radiation from solar flares to gamma rays to galactic cosmic rays.


I believe the space-between-space which is often referred to as dark matter, dark energy, and black holes have been known by the Mayans (and other ancient tribes) for millennia. The Mayan's refer to it as 'the 5th element - ether'.



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