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Yellowstone Super-Volcano Plume Bigger Than Thought

Mitch Batros - Earth Changes Media

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I now believe there will be "no reprieve" from earth changing events for the next 48 months. (See below for details)



A new image of Yellowstone super-volcano suggests the plume is even bigger than it appears in earlier images made with earthquake waves. University of Utah geophysicists made the first large-scale picture of the electrical conductivity of the gigantic underground plume of hot and partly molten rock that feeds the Yellowstone super-volcano.



In a December 2009 study, research professor Robert B. Smith, coordinating scientist of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, used seismic waves from earthquakes to make the most detailed seismic images yet of the "hotspot" plumbing, that feeds the Yellowstone volcano.



In the new study, images of the Yellowstone plume's electrical conductivity - generated by molten silicate rocks and hot briny water mixed in partly molten rock - shows the conductive part of the plume dipping more gently, at an angle of perhaps 40 degrees to the west, and extending perhaps 400 miles from east to west.




April 11, 2011