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Warnings of Mega Quake in America in Next 11 Days

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Robert Yeats, professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University, said West Coast residents should take the Japanese experience to heart. "What you are seeing in Japan  today is what you will see in our future," says Yeats, "except that they are better prepared than we are." 
Read this with healthy skepticism: There are rumors which have been passed to me from people I tend to hold trustworthy - there are people aware of current scenarios and have chosen to vacate the Oregon-Washington coastlines. Please use your gift of discernment and never take one person's opinion, truth, conjecture to heart. Always do your own research when it comes to serious and perhaps life-changing decisions.
March 12th, 2011 A new report released today by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during thenext 14 days with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region.
Most ominous in this report, though, is its warning that the fault-riddled State of California may be about to suffer its most catastrophic earthquake in decades as new reports for this region show the mass death of millions of fish is now occurring, and just like the mass stranding of whales on New Zealand beaches days prior to the February 22nd destruction of Christchurch.
YouTube - MARCH 11-23 EVENT?! Signs and Evidence  Comet Elenin, Earth, and the Sun were in exact alignment last year on February 27th. That is when the Chile Earthquake happened, and Earth's axis shifted. This year, the same alignment happens March 11-15, and the comet is much closer. PLEASE move away from fault areas during this time!
Have food, water, medical supplies, personal care supplies and whatever you might need in case this does happen.

March 14, 2011