Seafloor spreading,sea level changes, mountain growth, earthquakes, and volcanism allseemto speed up whenever the frequency of reversals speeds more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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Earthquakes a Sign Of Pending Doom and Magnetic Reversal

Aleko Konstantine

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sor: pointer;" class="yshortcuts" id="lw_1294960063_1">Seafloor spreading, sea level changes, mountain growth, earthquakes, and volcanism all seem to speed up whenever the frequency of reversals speeds up.”

Magnetic reversals are part of the cycles scientists have determined existed over the 4.5 billion years of the Earth’s existence. They range from the most ancient, the Devonian, to the Holocene, from 10,000 years ago to the present. “At least twelve (magnetic) reversals can be linked to extinctions and climatic deterioration during the last three million years alone,” says Felix.

Significantly, the aftermath of magnetic reversals are linked to the emergence of new species in ways that Charles Darwin never knew or dreamed of. What we call “evolution” is far more likely the result of magnetic reversals.

Mass extinctions have been the rule, rather than the exception, for the 3.5 billion years that life has existed on this planet,” says Felix.

One of those species is Homo sapiens, human beings, and we have existed for a mere 200,000 years. Civilization as we know it is about 5,000 years old; a blink of the eye in terms of the age of the Earth.

Thus, all this volcanic activity occurring around the world may be signaling the advent of a new magnetic reversal and, as bad as volcanoes are, a magnetic reversal is the very definition of a cataclysm on such an order that it defies the imagination. Think of the sudden end of dinosaurs.

Southwest Pakistan was hit by an earthquake of 7.4 magnitudes on January the 19th. The shocks of the earthquake were felt in the areas of the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan and India.


The quake lasted for about 20 seconds. No casualties have been reported but few damages were reported in Mashkil, where mud houses were destroyed. According to the US Geological survey the epicenter of the earthquake was 50 kilometers west form the nearest populated town of Dalbandin, close to the border with Afghanistan.

Citizen who felt the earthquake were very scared, thinking that it may be the beginning of something much more alarming and destructive.

Many earthquakes have brought enormous damages and loss of lives in the recent years. The anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti had more than three hundred thousand deaths.

The 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean, with epicenter close to the coast of Sumatra in Indonesia was also one of the most destructive and deadliest in the history, causing more than two hundred thousand lives. Huge tsunamis waves hit the nearby countries of Thailand, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, India and many others in the South and Southeast Asia and East of Africa, leading to the displacement of 1.7 billion people.

Thursday 13th January 2011

Mt Etna Volcano, Italy

Eruptions have occurred at Mt Etna volcano, Italy. On the evening of 11th January 2011 an increase in volcanic tremor was recorded at the volcano. Seismic activity reached a peak at 07:00 hr on 12th January when the source moved from north of NE crater to the SE crater. This corresponded to weak eruptive activity at SE crater on 11th January. On 12th January eruptions increased with strombolian activity recorded at SE crater. About 21:00 hr, lava overflowed the eastern rim of SE crater, and fed a flow that moved toward the western wall of the Valle del Bove.

More on Mt Etna volcano...

Volcanoes of Italy...

Tuesday 11th January 2011

Krakatau Volcano, Indonesia

Eruptions from Krakatau volcano, Indonesia have forced the evacuation of tens of thousands residents. Seven districts affected are Kalianda, Rajabasa, Katibung, Sidomulyo, Ketapang, Sragi and Palas. On Monday ash from Anak Krakatau continued to cover residential areas in parts of Banten province and South Lampung. Visual observations showed ash emissions reaching a height of 600 m and drifting east. Ashfall has affected the operation of seismometers on the volcano. Fisherman and tourists are advised to stay at least 2 km from the volcano.

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Volcanoes of Indonesia...

Tuesday 11th January 2011

Krakatau Volcano, Indonesia

Eruptions from Krakatau volcano, Indonesia have forced the evacuation of tens of thousands residents. Seven districts affected are Kalianda, Rajabasa, Katibung, Sidomulyo, Ketapang, Sragi and Palas. On Monday ash from Anak Krakatau continued to cover residential areas in parts of Banten province and South Lampung. Visual observations showed ash emissions reaching a height of 600 m and drifting east. Ashfall has affected the operation of seismometers on the volcano. Fisherman and tourists are advised to stay at least 2 km from the volcano.

More on Krakatau volcano...

Volcanoes of Indonesia...

Saturday 8th January 2011

Kizimen Volcano, Kamchatka

Eruptions continue at Kizimen volcano, Kamchatka with explosions and pyroclastic flows. Seismic activity is high, with volcanic tremor recorded. A hotspot was present over the volcano during the past week, which indicates a probable lava flow. On 1st January an ash plume extended 500 km SSW of the volcano and ashfall was recorded at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yelizovo, Paratunka, Nalychevo and all Southern Kamchatka. On 5th January ash emissions extended over 500 km ENE of the volcano and ashfall was recorded in the Komandorsky Islands. On 5th December 2010 ash emissions reached a distance of 838 km NE of the volcano.

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Volcanoes of Kamchatka...

Wednesday 5th January 2011

Merapi Volcano, Indonesia

Lahars from Merapi volcano have destroyed several bridges including Gempol bridge on the Putih River. A lahar overflowed from the Putih River in Jumaya village, Salam subdistrict, on Monday night, cutting off the Magelang-Yogyakarta highway at Kilometer 23 for almost 18 hours until about 1 p.m. on Tuesday. More than 500 meters of the highway were submerged under meter-deep lahar. This was the most damage cause by merapi volcano since the alert level was downgraded at end of December 2010.

More on Merapi volcano...

Volcanoes of Indonesia...

Wednesday 5th January 2011

Volcanoes of Colombia

Four volcanoes in Colombia have been placed on raised yellow alert. The volcanoes are Machin, Galeras, Huila, andl Ruiz. Earthquakes increased at Machin volcano on 31st December 2010. Over 4 days 367 volcano-tectonic earthquakes were detected south and southwest of the main dome. The largest event occurred at 5:22 pm on 1st January 2011, with a magnitude 2.3 and a depth of 3.3 km. The earthquake was felt by residents in vicinity of the volcano and in the municipality of Cajamarca (Tolima). In the week from 22 to 28 December 2010, 363 seismic events occurred at Nevado del Huila volcano, of which 72 were related to fracturing of rock and 291 caused by fluid dynamics in volcanic conduits. Nevado del Ruiz and Galeras have showed elevated but stable activity.

Volcanoes of Colombia...

Jan. 13, 2011