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Mt. Etna Volcano Eruptions Between 2001 and 2011 (Videos) (Updated Jan. 17, 2011)

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"The Great Day of Purification has begun, a short but essential cycle of division that will gather those who promote fear and violence and separate them from this season of the world as chaff is separated from wheat at threshing.

"The timetable recorded in stone for the Awakened Ones is now recovered from moss, fern, lizard and leaf.  In it are chiseled the dates of the Great Day of Purification, dates that now correspond to that which you call years---between recognized labels of 1987 to 2011."


Rocky Montana / Jan. 16, 2011

Located at the southern tip of Italy in Sicily, near the towns of Catania and Taomina, Mount Etna erupted this past Tuesday, January 11, 2011.  The tallest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna has been erupting nearly continuously throughout 3500 years of recorded history, since 1500 BCE, and undoubtedly long before.  One can't help but be dazzled by the volcanic release from deep within the Earth's mantle as bursts of small lava-balls, waves of lava flows and billows of smoke, gas, ash and cinder belch up and out in an awesome display of light, color and heat energy.  More benign than her deadly sister, Mount Vesuvius, which lies just a lava-ball's throw of Naples, Italy, Mount Etna is more like Kilauea, the most active volcano on the island of Hawaii.

Largely responsible for driving the volcanic eruptions of Mt. Etna and other volcanic eruptions and earthquakes around the world, is seafloor spreading and continental drift.  Seafloor spreading occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then slowly moves away from the ridges at a rate of 1-2 inches per year.  Seafloor spreading causes continental drift, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and mountain building.  It causes continental plates to collide and subduct, causing older land masses to recycle underneath newer land masses portions of newer land masses to rise, forming hills and mountains.  Seafloor spreading is what drives Plate Tectonics.  Plate Tectonics is a geological term for the study of the structure of the earth's crust and mantle with reference to the theory that the earth's lithosphere is divided into large rigid blocks (plates) that are floating on semi-fluid rock and are thus able to interact with each other at their boundaries, and to the associated theories of continental drift and seafloor spreading.  The six major plates are the Eurasian, American, African, Pacific, Indian, and Antarctic.  Of the greatest effect on the American continent is seafloor spreading which is occurring in both the mid-Pacific and mid-Atlantic Oceans.

Also interesting to observe, and related to seafloor spreading and continental drift, is the constant shifting of the Earth's Magnetic Poles.  After some 400 years of relative stability, Earth's North Magnetic Pole has moved nearly 683 miles into the Arctic Ocean, and moving nearly 390 miles in just the past 10 years.  In 2009 it shifted at a rate of approximately 40 miles per year.  The North Magnetic Pole is moving from northern Canada in the direction of Siberia, a vast region of Russian territory constituting almost all of Northern Asia.  This, along with the increasing electro-magnetic radiation from the Sun, is what is causing the melting of the polar ice sheets. (It has absolutely nothing to do with CO2 gas as the Globalists would like you to believe.)  The South Magnetic Pole has moved just as dramatically, from a point in Antarctica into the southern Pacific Ocean in the direction of Australia. 

Migration of Earth's Magnetic Poles will lead to one of two scenarios:  Scenario 1. Geomagnetic excursion; internal and/or external pressures and imbalance cause brief drifting of magnetic fields to find a new point of equilibrium and axix rotation, and which does not result in reversal.  Scenario 2. Geomagnetic reversal; internal and/or external pressures and imbalance cause a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south become interchanged, but will not necesarily locate in the exact same location.  Geological evidence shows that the Earth's Magnetic Poles have moved and/or reversed many times over the history of Earth.  Evidence also shows that ice ages follow periods of magnetic pole excursions and reversals such as we are experiencing at this time.  This sequence of events comes around approximately every 10,000 years and the subsequent ice ages last approximately 2,000 years.  At this point in time, Earth is very near the end of its present 10,000 year cycle. 

Where the North Magnetic Pole goes, True North Pole is sure to follow.  When the Earth's Magnetic Poles stop shifting or reverse, the Earth axis will change its rotation and location.  This means that the True North and South Poles will be shifted in position, near the new locations of North and South Magnetic Pole.  A continuation of the current Geomagnetic Excursion to its final destination will mean simply more of the same weather patterns, i.e.,  continued earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, continued melting of ice sheets and glaciers and flooding in those areas.  But a Geomagnetic reversal would be exponentially more violent.  The Earth would actually shake and wobble before violently shifting its axis to a new location and begins a new rotation in a new orientation.  This would cause an enormous chain reaction.  Ocean, sea and lake water would pour out onto all the surrounding lands in tremendous waves, obliterating everything in its wake.  Entire chains of volcanos would erupt.  Great earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados would manifest and stike many locations on Earth.  Existing ice sheets and glaciers would quickly melt, causing tremendous flooding.  Land masses from under the ocean would rise while existing land masses would sink, causing additional flooding of biblical proportions.  Most of the Earth's surface would be totally transformed.

In either event, the Earth's axis and rotation will adjust to a new position on the globe.  Siberia may become the new North Pole and Australia may become the new South Pole.  The areas around the new North and South Poles will begin to form new ice sheets and great glaciers.  The equator will be in a new location.  The lines of latitude and longitude will be in different locations and the Sun will rise and set in a new orientation on the Earth's surface.  We are already observing the melting of the ice sheets at the North Pole.  We are witnessing the confusion of migrating birds, fish and whales as they effort to adjust to the shifting of the magnetic poles.  And we are experiencing the effects of increased and changing weather patterns.  It is said that in the approaching ice age, the snow line will drop down to the 38th parallel (approximately through the center of the United States), however, the 38th parallel, as with all lines of latitude, will be in different locations and orientations from where they are today.  If the North Magnetic Pole continues its present course, moving away from the United States and towards Siberia, it is possible that the North America that remains above water will either stay approximately the same temperature or become slightly more temperate. 

Again, these geomagnetic events occur in cycles approximately every ten thousand years. There have been thousands of geomagnetic excursions/reversals as well as thousands of ice ages throughout the life of planet Earth.

Click on the NOAA website (below) to see the movement of both magnetic poles over the years, since 1600.  Note the acceleration which has occurred in more recent years. 

Conventional theories for geomagnetic reversals:

Internal events:  Many scientists believe that reversals are an inherent aspect of the dynamo theory of how the geomagnetic field is generated.  In computer simulations, it is observed that magnetic field lines can sometimes become tangled and disorganized through the chaotic motions of liquid metal in the Earth's core.  In some simulations, this leads to an instability in which the magnetic field spontaneously flips over into the opposite orientation.  This scenario is supported by observations of the solar magnetic field, which undergoes spontaneous reversals every 9–12 years.  However, with the sun it is observed that the solar magnetic intensity greatly increases during a reversal, whereas all reversals on Earth seem to occur during periods of low field strength.

External events:  Others, such as Richard A. Muller, believe that geomagnetic reversals are not spontaneous processes but rather are triggered by external events which directly disrupt the flow in the Earth's core.  Such processes may include the arrival of continental slabs carried down into the mantle by the action of plate tectonics at subduction zones, the initiation of new mantle plumes from the core-mantle boundary, and possibly mantle-core shear forces resulting from very large impact events.  Supporters of this theory hold that any of these events could lead to a large scale disruption of the dynamo, effectively turning off the geomagnetic field.  Because the magnetic field is stable in either the present North-South orientation or a reversed orientation, they propose that when the field recovers from such a disruption it spontaneously chooses one state or the other, such that a recovery is seen as a reversal in about half of all cases.

Perhaps both these theories hold a portion of the truth.  But let's not forget the nurturing energies that come from the Sun, the Star which birthed the Earth billions of years ago, and which continues to nurture the Earth by providing her with the energy she needs to live and carry on her repairs within and regeneration of land masses upon her surface.  



NOAA website:

Supporting data from The Phoenix Journals and Wikipedia.

Unpublished Phoenix Journal #150

Contact Newspaper, August 22, 1995, p. 35


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Spectacular night footage of Mount Etna volcano eruption in Italy


Etna 2008


Etna 2006


Eruption of Etna Volcano 2004


Eruption of Etna in 2002


Mount etna 2001 eruption