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Magnitude 7 + Earthquakes Are Up 190 Percent Above Average Of Last 10 Years, 166 Percent of Last 100 Years

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Let me see, if we are to have pole shift, and I do NOT mean magnetic reversal of the poles, but actual separation and reattachment of the crust to the core of Earth, we must have increasing magnitude earthquakes. Looking at just that, without discussing what is causing it, such as the approach or proximity of 'Planet X', major earthquakes of 7 or greater are up 190% in the first six months of 2010 compared to the average over the last 10 years.

YOU can attribute this to whatever random event YOU want. I attribute it to the regular 3,657 year cycle of Planet X entering the solar system and causing polar shift. At this rate, separation of the crust from the core becomes possible within one year.

From Pakistan, through India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia, to eastern Australia, is all one tectonic plate. If, as predicted, the Pacific Ocean narrows, and raises up eastern Australia and New Zealand, the entire western side of that plate will submerge. Remember the monsoon rains that flooded Pakistan last month? They have not drained away. Why? The plate is sinking. It is not so much that rain fell, but that the land, already close to sea level, is going down. Volcanoes are coming awake in Indonesia. These are things that are signs of the coming of pole shift.

Here look at the earthquake data. It is not just an increase of 7+ earthquakes, but all earthquakes from Richter 5 up.If you take Planet X out of the equation, what possible other reason is there for the sudden rise of major extreme earthquakes? NONE. You don't remember the USGS telling you ten years ago that 2010 would be the 'year of the big quakes', do you? Why? They never said that. In fact this is such a surprise to them, they regularly downgrade the size and number of earthquakes 'so you don't worry'. Another case of not wanting the public to ask the big NO-NO question: "What does it mean?", because then they would have to tell the public to move from the coasts, fast. Where do you propose putting just the 1.2 billion people in India, before it slides under the Himalayas? Are you just as expendable as they are? I guess so.

Note: Someone send me this, below, without any credits. I tried to do a search for the wording but came up with nothing so that implies that it was written as an email rather than posted on the internet. Please if you send me something, try to include the links as sources. Nevertheless, I have been following this increase in frequency and intensity of earthquakes for some time as it is directly related to my interest in evidence of  the coming pole shift. Therefore, as far as I know, this is well written, accurate, and informative, so I present it without any credit. If you know the source of this article, I would appreciate having it. Thank you.


-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Mag 7 Earthquakes Are Up 90 Percent
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 18:52:37 -0500


                     Mag 7 Earthquakes Are Up 90 Percent

The graphic image is stunning. Earthquakes of magnitude 7 – 7.99 are up 90 percent compared with the average number of earthquakes that have occurred during the last 10 years over the same time period, that is, from 1-Jan to 6-Oct, day number 279.

We are 76% of the way through 2010. If the earth does not shake with a single additional magnitude 7 – 7.9 earthquake, we will still finish thee year 46% higher than the annual average during the last 10 years. We are only three magnitude 7 earthquakes away from double the average (10 yr.) number, and there are still 86 days to go!

I am just a casual observer with an interest in geophysical activities of the Earth, and while I have been tracking worldwide earthquakes and looking at new cumulative data each month with respect to 10 year and 100 year averages, earthquakes are occurring consistently more frequently this year.

Interestingly, we are not hearing any mention of increased earthquake activity in the main stream media, or even in the main stream science circles. In fact, what little mention at all, has been downplayed or shrugged off. It will be curious to see if organizations like the USGS will downplay the earthquake statistics of magnitude 7 that are unfolding in front of our eyes.

(data gathered from the USGS and then averaged over time)

At the current rate, we will likely reach double or twice the number of average earthquakes in this magnitude range by the end of the year. In fact, all of the earthquake magnitude ranges that I track from 5 on up, are well above averages (except 8 – 9.9 where we are right at average at this time).

As a survival preparedness minded person, seeing statistics like these reaffirm my mindset that while we make our way through our day to day modern lives, we should regularly set aside some time and resources to prepare for uncertainty or disaster. The Earth is giving us warnings right under our feet that cannot be ignored. Take heed. Take first steps. Store some extra food and water. What could it hurt… You will eat and drink it eventually anyway.

----- Original Message -----
From: R
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 6:32 AM
Subject: Magnitude 7 + Earthquakes Are Up 190 Percent Above Average Of Last 10 Years, 166 Percent of Last 100 Years