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Environment Earth Changes

Volcano Erupts! Japan's Sakurajima Has Largest Eruption & Ash Plume Seen in Decades

Collapsing Earth: Why Are Giant Sinkholes Swallowing Cars, Homes And People All Around The World?

Life at Louisiana's Toxic Sinkhole: An Eco-Disaster Continues With No End in Sight

The Sun’s Magnetic Field is About to Flip

Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer Off The Chart UV Levels Not Being Disclosed

Arctic Methane Release and Global Warming

Japan’s Sakurajima volcano shaken by large explosive eruption

China’s Gansu province struck by two powerful earthquakes- at least 94 reported dead

Louisiana sinkhole now 24 acres — Officials issue cease and desist order after gas found “approaching explosive level” coming from hole in front of homes

Hydrogeologist: I’m not kidding, we honestly don’t know what’s going on in cavern below giant sinkhole — “Nobody’s ever encountered anything like this in history of mankind” — World’s top experts don’t even have a good hypothesis — Wellhead pressure now up to almost 600 psi (VIDEO)

Pole Shift News - Three Vidoes


Extreme Weather Phenomena Escalating Worldwide

A Blast of a Find: 12 New Alaskan Volcanoes

Red Alert! North Pole Shifted 161 Miles in Last 6 Months

RED ALERT: Pole Shift News--It has Moved

Scientists mystified why Northern California earthquake was felt across such a large area

40 AFTERSHOCKS ACCORDING TO RESIDENTS IN CALIFORNIA QUAKE AREA:It feels like the overwhelming fear and constant panic that may be coming to a world near you soon

LA Sinkhole: Code 3 YET Butane Cavern REFILLED

Explosive Eruption at Mexico’s Popocatépetl