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250+ Amish Men Lift Barn with Bare Hands and Walk It to New Spot on Farm

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In the middle of a cold Ohio winter, over 250 Amish men gathered together with one goal in mind.

pIt was Saturday, March 9, when the group arrived at the Hochstetler Farm, part of an Amish community in Geauga County.

The men, clad in their traditional clothing and hats, surrounded a massive red barn and prepared to lift the barn together and move it to another section of the farm.


Shortly after 9 a.m., the men gripped underneath the barn and in one seemingly effortless movement, lifted it off the ground.

Walking at a calm and steady pace, the men moved the barn to a new location on the farm.

Once they reached the desired spot, the team rotated the barn to face it in the right direction before gently setting it down.

At the end of the video, Amish wives and children were seen watching the men complete the task.


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The entire process took less than five minutes, Mount Vernon News reported.

Video of the barn move has been viewed over one million times, as people are fascinated by the traditional ways the Amish community has of getting things done.