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Jim Stone

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Dec. 6, 2015


Enough facts are in to paint a very clear picture now

The lawyer that got assigned to this case ended up being a huge problem for the false flag crew because he ended up being a good guy. And he spilled a key piece of evidence on national television – that both shooters were found behind the back seat of the SUV shot to pieces and:

So this opens a huge can of worms that blows a lot of secrets, the story HAS TO go like this now:

The couple was hunted down as they were out and about together, murdered, and stuffed in the back of the SUV behind the rear seat. Subsequently (and there is no other way this could happen) the SUV, which was completely modern and full drive by wire, was then remote control driven "Hastings style" and the police shot it full of holes until a bullet cut a wire somewhere and it stopped. The police reported the couple was in full combat gear, but in reality the wife (who was the only one shown after the police shot up the SUV) was in shorts, high heels, and a short bare tummy blouse.

So the story about combat gear is a lie, and because the couple were already handcuffed, the story about "brandishing weapons and shooting at police" was also a lie, which is subsequently proven by the fact that the windows were rolled up when shot out.

THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT FOR BUSTING THIS ENTIRE RUSE: In ALL photos and video, the windows of the SUV are rolled up yet shot out. Yet the police claimed they were receiving fire from assault rifles from this vehicle. If this couple was using assault rifles, they would not have been able to fire them through closed windows because the barrels are too long, it is impossible to be in a car and point one out the side with the windows rolled up because there simply is not enough room in a car to do that. And no one is stupid enough to try to shoot a gun in an enclosed chamber like a car with the windows rolled up, the back blast would be severe. The fact they were up in all photos is cold proof no bullets were ever fired from this SUV, all the bullet damage is from police.